LCR in 327 Federal: Best Load(s)? - Ruger Forum
2017年3月13日 · So I've just picked up a Ruger LCR in .327 Federal. Honestly the chambering intrigued the heck out of me, I've always been a wheelgun fan and I wanted a defense/carry gun that I'd enjoy shooting. Plus, I've enjoyed Ruger's quality and design in the past. This DA revolver is my entry back after a...
LCR 38 or 327 - Ruger Forum
2016年8月28日 · Here’s my list of considerations, in order of importance: 1) Ammo types. Clear advantage to the 327. With the 38, I get either 38 SPL or +P, and the +P only has about 25% more energy. With the 327, I get 327 mag, 32 H&R, 32 S&W long, and 32 ACP (and even the 32 S&W, which I am less interested in).
Pros and Cons of the .327 Federal Magnum? - Defensive Carry
2018年12月5日 · Rugers revolvers for the most part, but have owned a couple J-frames and a Charter Bulldog as well. My experience with the .327 Federal Magnum came in the form of a NIB KLCR.
To those who have LCRs in .327 and 9mm... - Ruger Forum
2016年10月9日 · LCR .327 defense ammo choice I second what mark40 just said about using Hornady Critical Defense .32 H&R Mag. ammo in my LCR .327 for self-defense. This ammo has low flash, modest recoil, and is super accurate! When I do shoot .327 ammo in my LCR, I stick to the 85-grain rather than the 100-grain stuff. Cuts down on the recoil quite a bit.
Contemplating a Ruger LCR in 327 | Defensive Carry
2024年9月7日 · Handled a Ruger LCR in 327 at the LGS. Even trigger pull thru the stroke. 6 shots. Aftermarket boot grips are available bringing the size into pocket carry territory. Considering switching to this revolver platform loaded with 32. The 38 revolvers are getting too much for recoil except for...
Lipsey's LCR in 32 H&R Magnum - Ruger Forum
2024年11月23日 · The 327 FedMag is still an option from Ruger in an LCR, but in a revolver that small, I don’t think it’d be fun to shoot at all. I have two revolvers in 327 FedMag, and even bigger, heavier, steel guns don’t absorb much of the recoil, let alone help with the splatter or blast. This is a smart product, but I prefer the Lipsey’s S&W Ultimate …
Ruger LCR 327 Federal Magnum my review | Defensive Carry
2016年2月25日 · I read everything I could find on Ruger's newest addition and really loving the LCR 38 I already own, I decided that taking a chance on a 327 federal would be worth a try. This is a six shot revolver. In a few words I could describe this gun as both a puppy and a pit bull. it's a puppy because...
.327 LCR - Ruger Forum
2016年1月6日 · Picked up a 327 LCR just before Christmas. Had a chance to shoot 50 rounds of 100 grain JSP American Eagle. It was about 38 degrees outside. Did the first cylinder without gloves on--it was a little uncomfortable. With gloves on I found the recoil very tolerable, though I think 100 rounds would be the most I'd want to do in one sitting.
LCR 327 Ammo Guidance - Ruger Forum
2019年6月4日 · The Double Tap may move into a slot in the carrying of the LCR. My wife purchased a LCR 327 a couple of years ago and keeps 32 H&R Magnum (Critical Defense) in hers. I originally foofawed her choice but after shooting it and doing research on 32 H&R and 327 Magnum for self defense I took a deep breath and ordered it. I have really liked it
Is the LCR 22 Trigger Pull a Deal Breaker? Final Update
2025年1月2日 · So far in our discussion. Most responders agree the trigger pull should/could be lighter. I know from experience with my wife's LCR 327 that it can have a smooth 7# trigger pull. The question is how light can the trigger pull be and still be reliable. There is enough internet sources that prove the 14-16 # factory spec is not the answer.