Lobbying Disclosure, Office of the Clerk
2025年1月1日 · Section 4 (a) (3) of the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA), as amended, provides that the registration threshold dollar amounts be adjusted every four years based upon changes in the Consumer Price Index. The next adjustment will be made on January 1, 2029.
Lobbying Disclosure Online Reporting - United States Congress
The Lobbying Disclosure Electronic Filing System allows registered lobbying firms to file LD-1 and LD-2 reports. To access the forms, please sign in using your Senate ID and password. Have a question about the system? Please visit the help section to review the instructions and learn more about the forms.
Home | Lobbying Disclosure - Senate
The LDA reports include lobbying Registrations (LD-1), Quarterly Activity Reports (LD-2) and Contributions Reports (LD-203). The Contributions Reports are filed under section 203 of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act (HLOGA), the first of which was required to be filed by registrants and lobbyists by July 30, 2008.
ld2铝板 - 百度百科
ld2铝板,是一种 铝硅合金 板材。 具有中等强度,退火和热态下有高的可塑性、淬火和自然时效后塑性尚可,且这种状态下抗蚀性可与5A02.3A21相比,人工时效状态合金具有晶间腐蚀倾向,可切削淬火后尚可,退火后不好,合金可点焊和氢原子焊,气焊。 1、 均匀化退火:加热525~540℃;保温时间为12~14h;炉冷。 2、 快速退火:加热350~370℃;随材料有效厚度的不同,保温 30~120min;空冷。 3、淬火和时效:淬火510~530℃,水冷;人工时效150~165℃,6~15h,空冷;自然时效室 …
Form LD-2 is used for complying with the semiannual reporting requirements of Section 5 of the Act (2 U.S.C. 1604). Form LD-1 is used for initial registration under Section 4 of the Act (2 U.S.C. 1603). WHO MUST REPORT.
Lobbying Reporting - House
Reporting is required beginning with the effective date of registration and continues until the client's registration is terminated, even if the registrant does not have any lobbying activity to report. Please see the General Filing Requirements …
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这个被吹爆的词典—欧路词典,你真的会用吗? - 知乎
众所周知,欧路词典有强大的扩充能力,安装词典的格式包括:标准格式eudic、 Mdict 词典格式mdx、mdd、 灵格斯词典 格式的. ld2、.ldx 介绍之前,我们先来了解一下几种Mdict电子词典:
越南签证类型 - 越南旅行签证-越南落地签证-越南商务签证-越南电 …
2025年2月5日 · DN2签证——为来越南生意的人提供、建立商业存在或根据越南加入的国际条约进行其他活动的外国人。 与越南旅游签证一样,根据有效期和入境次数,越南商务签证也可分为: 3个月多次入境签证。 此外,赴越南旅游的美国游客还有01个选择越南旅游签证:越南1年多次入境签证。 目前,获得越南商务签证的方式有 02 种,即: 并获得越南大使馆签证。 → 参阅更多: 如何获得越南商务签证. 3. 越南学生签证. 这种签证是为来越南上大学学习的人提供的。 通常 …
(离线)英语词典软件推荐 - oucbl - 博客园
2017年5月11日 · 灵格斯用户可以自行制作词典源文件(文本文件格式),上传到灵格斯官网,经管理员编译为ld2格式后让其他用户下载使用。