Lobbying Disclosure, Office of the Clerk
2025年1月1日 · The JACK Act, which became effective on January 3, amends the Lobbying Disclosure Act (LDA) requiring all registrations (form LD-1) and quarterly reports (form LD-2) filed after January 3 to include:
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Lobbying Disclosure Online Reporting - United States Congress
The Lobbying Disclosure Electronic Filing System allows registered lobbying firms to file LD-1 and LD-2 reports. To access the forms, please sign in using your Senate ID and password. Have a question about the system?
Home | Lobbying Disclosure - Senate
The LDA reports include lobbying Registrations (LD-1), Quarterly Activity Reports (LD-2) and Contributions Reports (LD-203). The Contributions Reports are filed under section 203 of the Honest Leadership and Open Government Act (HLOGA), the first of which was required to be filed by registrants and lobbyists by July 30, 2008.
LD2 is a design hothouse that believes in the power of 2 – you …
Strategy, naming and branding for an established recruitment company. LD2 is a design hothouse that believes in the power of 2 – you and us. We don’t look for clients, we look for partners. If you’re a brand that understands the need to spark change and stand out, we can catapult you. How high do you want to go?
LD-Series Low Drag Buoy LD-2 Navy Blue Ropehold - Polyform US
LD reduces drag by as much as 80% compared to standard round buoys; Great choice for any offshore fishing application; Polyform's vinyl valve system maintains buoy inflation; Even wall thickness for maximum strength and durability; Heavy-duty reinforced rope hold; Offered in a wide range of brilliant, high-visibility colors
ULD: LD-2 Container Weight & Rate Class - SeaRates
Find out more about LD-2 Container dimensions, weight, volume, and more with SeaRates to ensure fast shipping for your containers.
美国MTS LD/LD2系列直线位移传感器 - lanse-china.com
LD 的电子头与测桿的内连接线是一个 240 mm 的固定长度,而 LD2 的电子头与测桿的内连接线则有 3 个固定长度可选,即 140 mm、200 mm 和 320 mm。 用户可以把线长缩短以符合实际需要(注意 : 如果用户擅自把内接线加长的话,则 MTS提供的 12 个月保修期马上失效)。
Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) isoenzymes - Allina Health Laboratory
Lactate dehydrogenase (LD) is an enzyme that is found in almost all of the body's cells, but only a small amount of it is usually detectable in the blood. LD is released from the cells into the bloodstream when cells are damaged or destroyed.
生成 LD2 可视化 - helpme-codesys.com
生成 ld2 可视化 可以为 POU 生成带有梯形图的可视化效果(类型: 程序 或者 功能块 ) 在里面 梯子2(LD2) 实现语言。 生成 SFC/LD 可视化 命令可用于此目的。