LDN 858 - AstroBin
LDN 858 is a dark nebula which contains many other objects nearby, The Veil Nebula, Dumbbell Nebula, Tulip Nebula just to name a few. Processed from FITS subframes from Telescope Live, Spain Observato...
LDN 858 (Jarmo Ruuth) - AstroBin
LDN 858 and surrounding area in a wide field image. Images are taken at 7 different nights between 2022-08-13 and 2022-10-15 Filters: Halpha 12 x 600s (2h) SII 12 x 600s (2h) OIII 12 x 600s (2h) Total 36 images, exposure time 6h
LDN858 - Sky & Telescope - Sky & Telescope
<< Back to gallery Photographer: Luigi Morrone Location of Photo: Spain Date/Time of photo: 05/01/2022 Equipment: Takahashi FSQ-106EDCamera: FLI PL1608 Description: SiiHaOiii:34x600sTelescope: Takahashi FSQ-106EDCamera: FLI PL16083Location: SpainDate of observation: May/November 2022Filters: SHO AstrodonProcessing: Pixinsight and PSCredits: Luigi Morrone and Telescope Live Website: https://www ...
LDN858 | Telescope Live
In this starless HST palette image are not only Lynds dark nebula 858, but also Lynds bright nebula 174, the Tulip nebula (Sh2-102), and Wolf-Rayet 134, all amidst wonderfully complex Cygnus nebulosity.
LDN858 - Dark Nebula | Telescope Live
LDN is a catalog of dark nebula compiled by Beverly Lynds. LDN858 is in the constellation Cygnus. The dark spindles in the center of the image pointing upwards are associated with this object. The Tulip nebula is also visible as the bright spot at the bottom right of the image. The image was derived from 3 one click observations.
2022年9月12日 · Ha: 30x10 minutes (binned 1x1)OIII: 30x10 minutes (binned 1x1)
LDN 858 | Telescope Live
This image is a wide field view containing LDN 858 - the ‘spikes’ in the centre of the field of view, found in the constellation of Cygnus. To the top of the image is the Tulip nebula.
LDN858 - Astrophotographie - Webastro
2023年12月4日 · LDN 858 Nous voilà dans une vaste zone de nébuleuses sombres dans la constellation du Cygne. Certaines cibles bien connues se trouvent à proximité, comme la nébuleuse sombre 858 de Lynd, mais également la nébuleuse lumineuse 174 de Lynd, la nébuleuse de la Tulipe (Sh2-102), à signaler sur sa droi...
LDN858 - Sky & Telescope - Sky & Telescope
2024年6月29日 · << Back to gallery Photographer: gvidishev99 Location of Photo: IC Astronomy Observatory Spain Date/Time of photo: 05/08/2022 Equipment: Takahashi FSQ-106ED; QHY600M Description: This is my processing of the data from Telescope Live
LDN 858 - u-strasbg.fr
The astronomical object called LDN 858 is a Dark Cloud (nebula)