CFA-44 - Lunar Toy Store
From the masterpiece flight shooting game series, ACE COMBAT, CFA-44 in a 1/144 scale now joins Kotobukiya’s model kit series! Through the game’s data and PROJECT ACES’s cooperation, this kit perfectly captures the details of CGA-44 in the game and is a snap-fit kit that doesn’t require glue to assemble.
Kotobukiya - Ace Combat - CFA-44 (for Modelers Edition)
From the masterpiece flight shooting game series, ACE COMBAT, CFA-44 in a 1/144 scale now joins Kotobukiya’s model kit series! Through the game’s data and PROJECT ACES’s cooperation, this kit perfectly captures the details of CGA-44 in the game and is a snap-fit kit that doesn’t require glue to assemble.
- 评论数: 21
My latest Ace Combat LEGO model, the CFA-44 Nosferatu!
2022年4月18日 · My latest Ace Combat LEGO model, the CFA-44 Nosferatu! Now I want one of these. Can it fit a minifig? I built the cockpit canopy out of a lot of smaller translucent pieces for more accuracy than a Lego mold, unfortunately that means a pilot minifig doesn't fit inside.
CFA-44:吸食国民血汗钱的“吸血鬼” - 哔哩 ... - 哔哩哔哩
作为艾托伐克所开发的次世代舰载战斗攻击机,该机可谓是倾尽国力,众多国内的企业都参与进CFA-44的开发项目,使得其技术含量堪称当年最高也不为过。 该机在外观上呈现出比较传统的三角翼布局,但是在主翼前方使用了两片形似鸭翼的可动边条,在一定程度上加强了该机的机动性。 并且后掠角与主翼对齐以保证隐身性能。 主翼翼尖延展出矩形的翼梢小翼以加强稳定性。 当年在侦察到该机试飞的场景以后,艾美利亚军甚至怀疑他们侦察到的只是“一只飞得很高的风筝”, …
[技术交流] 寿屋 1/144 皇牌空战 CFA-44 低可视度涂装制作 NGA玩 …
2017年4月17日 · [技术交流] 寿屋 1/144 皇牌空战 cfa-44 低可视度涂装制作 [寿屋 1/144 CFA-44 低可视度涂装-哔哩哔哩] b23.tv/XooybUx 套件不错,喜欢可以入手做一个,各种武器替换件也丰富了可玩性。
对CFA-44 “Nosferatu”的分析报告【皇牌空战吧】_百度贴吧
根 据现有图片资料显示,CFA-44继承了源自Su-33的由翼身融合体和翼下双发组成的宽大的升力体布局,机头略下倾,采用了与F-22相似的折线修型, 座舱采用了前半球无框式的设计,可以为机师提供360°的全方位视野,座舱盖上使用的特殊金属镀膜能显著降低座舱 ...
I bought the cfa-44 model they recently released. while ... - Reddit
2023年1月11日 · I bought the cfa-44 model they recently released. while overall a great product, I cant help but notice a bunch of the parts are painted wrong, despite it coming as a pre painted. no, I did not add decals, but most of these issues are not decal related.
2022年6月20日 · 谁能给我CFA-44战斗机的结构图(内部、外部)图片和三视图(五视图)的图片。还有皇牌空战6、无限CFA-44的无人僚机(uav-44、MQ-90L-Quox-bisA)的结构图和三视图
【預訂日期至13-Mar-22】Kotobukiya ACE COMBAT CFA-44 (For …
商品詳情 Koto~(KP613) ACE COMBAT CFA-44 (For Modelers Edition) 1-144 Plastic Model Kit Y4400 (4934054035656) 商品名稱:CFA-44〈For Modelers Edition〉作品名稱:ACE COMBAT 製造商:Kotobukiya 分類:模型訂金:HKD 50訂價:HKD 310網上截訂日期:13-Mar-22 門市截訂日期:15-Mar-22(*由於行政上處理需時,網上預訂會比門市早兩天截訂,敬請 ...
CFA-44 Nosferatu by Crowe0920 - Thingiverse
The Mystical CFA-44 Nosferatu Fighter Jet from Ace Combat 6: Fires of Liberation. It isn't perfect, but it is pretty darn close. Known by its a