LEOFF Plan 2 - Department of Retirement Systems
Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ Retirement System (LEOFF) Plan 2 is a 401(a) lifetime retirement pension plan available to law enforcement officers and firefighters in Washington. You, your employer and the state contribute a percentage of income to fund the plan.
| LEOFF - Plan 2 Retirement Board
2025年3月26日 · The Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ (LEOFF) Plan 2 Retirement Board serves over 19,000 active and retired members of the Washington State LEOFF 2 retirement plan. The Board sets contribution rates for the plan and studies related pension issues.
LEOFF Plan 2 is a defined benefit plan. When you meet plan requirements and retire, you are guaranteed a monthly benefit for the rest of your life. You earn this right by being vested in the plan, meaning you have 5 years of service credit. A full benefit will then be …
LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement System - Washington State Council of …
If you became a member after October 1, 1977 you are in LEOFF Plan 2. Find the LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Board 2023 Legislative Update here. LEOFF Plan 2 is governed by a Retirement Board created in 2002 by the passage of Initiative 790, which transferred authority to a governor-appointed 11 member board (six LEOFF Plan 2 members, three employer ...
Member Resources | LEOFF - Plan 2 Retirement Board
LEOFF 2 Retirement Assistance Department of Retirement Systems (DRS) - Administers LEOFF Plan 2 retirement system benefits. The agency maintains membership records, collects contributions from members and employers, pays benefits and communicates benefit information.
LEOFF Plan 2 is a defined benefit plan. When you meet plan requirements and retire, you are guaranteed a monthly benefit for the rest of your life. Your monthly benefit will be based on your earned service credit and compensation while a member of LEOFF Plan 2. This formula will be used to calculate your monthly benefit: 2% x service credit ...
LEOFF Plan 2 Retirement Application This form is for members of the Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ Retirement System (LEOFF). Send completed form to: Department of Retirement Systems PO Box 48380 ꔷ Olympia, WA 98504-8380 www.drs.wa.govꔷ Call: 800.547.6657 Fax: 360.664.7975 ꔷ TTY: 711 DRS L 177 12/2023 Page 1 of 5
Pension Report — Retired Firefighters of Washington
The LEOFF Retirement System in Washington State comprises two distinct plans: LEOFF 1 and LEOFF 2. Each plan has specific criteria for disability retirement, reflecting differences in eligibility standards and benefits.
DRS Forms - Department of Retirement Systems
Enrollment for LEOFF or WSPRS: For new or returning members of LEOFF or WSPRS. LEOFF Plan 2 Re-employment: For LEOFF Plan 2 customers who have the option to become a member of PERS, PSERS, SERS or TRS. Transfer from Plan 2 to Plan 3: For eligible Plan 2 members who choose to transfer to Plan 3 during the January transfer opportunity. Who is ...
LEOFF 2: Preparing to retire - Benefits - University of Washington ...
If you’re a member of the Law Enforcement Officers’ and Fire Fighters’ (LEOFF) 2 retirement plan, start with the resources here to begin planning your retirement from UW. You can find comprehensive information about the plan in the LEOFF Plan 2 Handbook .