My account - Lincoln Financial Group
Learn more about the annuity account process by signing into your account.
Login/Registration help - Lincoln Financial Group
Log in to your account or register your Lincoln account.
Lincoln Financial Group WebAccess - lfg
Having trouble logging in? © 2025 Lincoln National Corporation. All rights reserved. Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates.
My Lincoln Portal® | Lincoln Financial
Access the My Lincoln Portal any time to conveniently submit a claim or leave request, view the status of your claim or leave, get forms, upload documents and medical records, and more.
Registration - Lincoln Financial Group
Access the information you need — any time, anywhere. Your Lincoln online account provides secure and convenient 24/7 access, making it simple to access information, resources, tools and more.
Lincoln Financial Group
Enrolling in a new plan and need to complete the enrollment applications, click on the ENROLL NOW button. A policy owner logging into the self-service portal for the first time, click the CREATE LOGIN button to setup your User ID and Password.
Sign On - lincoln4benefits.com
Please register or log in here if you administer your company's group benefits plan. Please register or log in here if you are a group insurance broker, or a broker's point of contact for online administration. If you are a licensed broker and a TPA, please register or log in as a broker.
IDM Self Service
"Lincoln Financial Group," "Lincoln Financial," "Your tomorrow. Our priority," "Plan Protect Retire," "This is financial security," and the Lincoln Financial Logo and Artisan Mark are service marks of the Lincoln National Corporation.
Lincoln Financial Group - Login Page
Lincoln Financial Group is the marketing name for Lincoln National Corporation and its affiliates. Affiliates are separately responsible for their own financial and contractual obligations. ©2017 Lincoln National Corporation.
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Welcome to our new employer and employee service portal: lincoln4benefits.com replaces jpfic.com in name only, the functionality and service we provide to our customers will remain exactly the same. You will be automatically directed to . Please update your bookmark for easy access. Thank you!