AT-1000ProII - LDG Electronics
The AT-1000ProII has a large, easy to read bar-graph wattmeter that show forward and reverse power with two selectable ranges (100 and 1,000 watt scales) as well as an SWR meter. The AT-1000ProII will interface with many popular transceivers so you can start a tuning cycle with the radio’s TUNE button.
LDG Electronics Amateur Radio Products
LDG offers a complete range of hobby and antenna equipment for use. Discover a variety of hobby accessories including Solder Kits, Speaker Baffles, HD-1, and more. Shop online through our valued dealers... LDG pioneered the automatic, wide-range switched-L tuner in 1995.
Z-11ProII - LDG Electronics
Like most Generic LDG tuners, the Z-11ProII can operate automatically, beginning a tuning cycle whenever the SWR exceeds a preset limit. It also features LDGs advanced memory tuning, providing 2,000 memory locations; when tuning near a previously used frequency it will recall the settings for nearly instant tuning.
Reception OK, SWR too high to transmit - will external tuner help?
2021年9月8日 · Most internal tuners can correct 3:1 SWR, and most of the external tuners will correct 10:1 or less. Of your SWR is greater than that, you not be able to find a match. If you have one, hook up a nanoVNA and see exactly what the SWR is on the 80m band, look at the smith chart which will show and ohm and capacitance reading.
HAM RADIO OUTLET, LP-500, Meters Watt-SWR Other, LP500
It displays the sampled signals in numerous formats including Power/SWR, various oscilloscope type displays and a spectrum display. The sampled signals are obtained by demodulating the RF, like in a traditional wattmeter, and should therefore work on any frequency for which there is a suitable directional coupler with the appropriate voltage ...
[email protected] | AT-1000 Pro II High SWR
2020年5月29日 · After installing the balun & the radio interface cable, the tuner now tunes and I get SWR readings of 1.42:1 on 7.240 and 2.1:1 on 14.270. I'd like to get the 2.1 reading down, so I'll keep working on it.
Understanding SWR & How Antennas Work - myGMRS.com …
2020年7月21日 · Any energy that gets reflected back into the radio is typically identified by the Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) or the ratio of transmitted (forward) energy vs. reflected (reverse) energy. Here is why we watch SWR.
Good SWR & Antenna Resonance - hamradioschool
Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) is an important concept that describes how good of a match exists between a transceiver and antenna system. Recall that a perfect match corresponds to an SWR of 1.0, with higher values indicating some degree of mismatch.
The Truth about SWR: Debunking the Myths and Misunderstandings
2024年9月11日 · What is Standing Wave Ratio (SWR) and how does it impact your amateur radio antenna system? Is there really such a thing as “perfect” SWR and does it really matter? DX Engineering’s Michael...
User manual LG LP1020WSR (English - 26 pages)
The LG LP1020WSR is an air-conditioning unit designed for cooling spaces. It is produced by LG, a reputable company known for their quality appliances. The LP1020WSR is built with a durable and reliable construction, ensuring its long-term functionality.