Lactobacillus gasseri LG-G12 Restores Gut Microbiota and …
2023年3月3日 · Gut microbiota imbalance is associated with the occurrence of metabolic diseases such as obesity. Thus, its modulation is a promising strategy to restore gut microbiota and improve intestinal health in the obese. This paper examines the role of probiotics, antimicrobials, and diet in modulating gut microbiota and improving intestinal health.
Lactobacillus gasseri LG-G12 Restores Gut Microbiota and …
Therefore, this study evaluated how a potential probiotic Lactobacillus gasseri LG-G12 (LG-G12), antimicrobial ceftriaxone, and diet [7, 8] act to modulate the intestinal microbiota and subsequently impact intestinal health parameters.
格氏乳杆菌 LG-G12 恢复接受头孢曲松治疗的肥胖小鼠的肠道微生 …
Lactobacillus gasseri LG-G12 Restores Gut Microbiota and Intestinal Health in Obesity Mice on Ceftriaxone Therapy. Gut microbiota imbalance is associated with the occurrence of metabolic diseases such as obesity. Thus, its modulation is a promising strategy to restore gut microbiota and improve intestinal health in the obese.
减肥一定要了解的科普,棕色脂肪激活竟然与格氏乳杆菌LG-G12 …
2024年4月23日 · 格氏乳杆菌 LG-G12 有什么用? 许多科学研究支持了格氏乳杆菌LG-G12具有显著的促进健康的作用,无论是以单菌株形式、与其它益生菌菌株结合,还是作为合生元的组成部分,都能发挥促进健康的作用:
2022年12月14日 · 本发明提供一种格氏乳杆菌LGG12在增加体内褐色脂肪组织中的应用及生物制剂,属于微生物应用技术领域,将所述格氏乳杆菌LGG12制备成生物制剂使用,所述生物制剂的制备过程包括菌种活化,种子培养,发酵培养,菌体收集,保护剂配置,乳化,真空低温冷冻干燥,粉碎,复配混合及后道加工.本发明采用格氏乳杆菌LGG12这种增加体内褐色脂肪组织的方法同时优化调节了动物体内的微生物群,可被建议作为肥胖症的辅助治疗,而为了达到较佳的效果,宜采用抗生素+益生菌 …
Antibiotic Followed by a Potential Probiotic Increases Brown ... - PubMed
The adjuvant treatments lasted 4 weeks and were administered daily, via gavage: Animals in G1 and G2 received distilled water, the G3 obtained Lactobacillus gasseri LG-G12, and the G4 received ceftriaxone. The G5 received ceftriaxone for 2 weeks, followed by the offer of Lactobacillus gasseri LG-G12 for another 2 weeks.
健康新生儿之消化道中分离纯化,属人体原生菌种,是一种少有的可以改善消化系统,预防 消化不良 反复发作的益生菌菌株,其功能为调整消化系统。 于MRS培养液培养时,菌体呈短杆状,二端呈圆形,通常单独出现,成对短链状。 特征特性: 呈球形或卵圆形,(0.5—1.2)μm×(0.5—1.5)μm,无芽孢,无荚膜,不运动,发酵产物以L- (+)-乳酸为主,不产气,最适生长温度30℃,可在10℃生长。 上个世纪初,前苏联科学家梅契尼柯夫和德国科 …
格氏乳杆菌LG-G12在增加体内褐色脂肪组织中的应用及生物制剂 …
2023年5月10日 · 39、本发明采用格氏乳杆菌lg-g12这种增加体内褐色脂肪组织的方法同时优化调节了动物体内的微生物群,可被建议作为肥胖症的辅助治疗,而为了达到较佳的效果,宜采用抗生素+益生菌相结合的方式,比单一从改善调节动物体内的微生物群方法来减肥,更加有效。
(PDF) Lactobacillus gasseri LG-G12 Restores Gut Microbiota and ...
2023年3月3日 · High-fat diet impaired bacterial diversity/richness, which was counteracted in association with L. gasseri LG-G12 and the AIN-93 diet. Additionally, SCFA-producing bacteria …