LG KG800 - 百度百科
LG KG800 半自动滑盖设计,滑盖弹力Q 劲十足,顺手好玩;厚度仅15.2 mm,重量亦只有少少的83g,体型轻巧纤薄,任谁都能轻松驾驭,是目前最轻薄的滑盖手机之一
LG KG800 - Full phone specifications - GSMArena.com
LG KG800 phone. Announced Mar 2006. Features 2.0″ display, 1.3 MP primary camera, 800 mAh battery, 128 MB storage.
LG Chocolate - Wikipedia
LG Chocolate is a mobile phone created by LG Electronics, the first of the LG Black Label Series. It was released at the end of 2005 in South Korea, followed by an international GSM release in 2006 (the KG800), and a slightly altered CDMA model released for Verizon Wireless in the United States (the VX8500). The LG Chocolate is a 'slider' style ...
LG KG800 specs - PhoneArena
2020年10月21日 · The LG KG800, known as the European Chocolate phone, is a slim slide-designed tri-band GSM device which focuses on both design and functionality. It features a 262k color display, a 1.3 megapixel camera and 128MB of internal memory.
LG KG800 - Legacy Portable Computing Wiki
The LG KG800, also known as the LG Chocolate, is a GSM Tri-Band slider-type mobile phone released in May 2006. It is part of LG's "Black Label" series of phones...
LG Chocolate KG800 review: LG Chocolate KG800 - CNET
The LG Chocolate phone is a real head-turner -- some have gone so far as to call it the best-looking phone ever. From the glowing red touchpad to the glossy casing, this phone is the epitome of...
LG KG800 價格,規格與評價- SOGI手機王
lg kg800 採用有效畫素為 130 萬的 cmos 相機 (5 色階效果調整、 4 倍數變焦、5 階光源控制、9 連拍功能、來電大頭貼、10 組背景相框、3 種照相模式、5 段白平衡、強力補光燈、3 段定時拍攝功能),配備 2 吋 26 萬色 176x220 解析度 tft 螢幕。
LG KG800 價格、評價、規格 - ePrice 比價王
LG 推出眾所矚目的「巧克力機」 KG800,15.2 mm 超薄機身與表面無縫、平滑的設計,配合內建 130 萬畫素相機、強大的藍芽功能與 128 MB 記憶體,內外兼具的性格讓巧克力靈魂更加難以抗拒。
LG - Chocolate (KG800) - Mobile Phone Museum
The KG800 – was a European variant of LG’s fashion-led handset, dubbed as the “Chocolate”, which had already sold over 300,000 units by the time this model arrived in Europe. It had touch-sensitive controls which lit up on the front of the device – but were almost hidden when not in use.
LG KG800参数-配置-性能规格-参数对比-天极网 - 天极产品库
LG KG800参数页面提供真实的LG KG800配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解LG KG800。
View and Download LG Chocolate KG800 user manual online. LG Cell Phone Brochure. Chocolate KG800 cell phone pdf manual download. Also for: Kg800 pink - chocolate kg800 cell phone 128 mb.
【LG KG800】手机报价_图片_参数_点评_手机产品库_手机之家
手机之家告诉大家有关LG KG800手机报价,LG KG800图片,LG KG800参数,以及LG KG800怎么样,LG KG800多少钱,LG KG800价格趋势等资料,更多关于【LG KG800】,请点击product.imobile.com.cn
LG KG800手机详细技术参数..3MT产品频道LG 手机KG800
lg kg800手机采用2.0英寸显示屏,26万色,搭载130万像素摄像头。 LG KG800手机,128MB机身存储,续航方面内置800mAh容量电池。 LG KG800手机,支持GSM,手机频段900/1800/1900MHz,支持蓝牙。
LG Chocolate KG800 - full specs, details and review
Complete technical specifications, details, expert ratings and review of LG Chocolate KG800. Find out how your chosen phone stacks up against the competition and whether it's the one that best meets your expectations with the phone comparison feature.
LG KG800 Specification, Features, Questions and Reviews
LG KG800 Full specifications, size, screen parameters, performance, storage space and ram, useful features and reviews of the mobile. MobileSpecs.
LG KG800 - Softpedia
LG > LG KG800. LG KG800. GO. 5 photos VIEW ALL. STATUS INTRODUCED FORM FACTOR NETWORKS BATTERY DIMENSIONS. Discontinued March 2006 Slider 2G Li-Ion, 800 mAh 95.0 x 48.0 x 15.0. user rating 603. 3.6/5. Compare with another phone. Add your review.
LG Chocolate Phone KG800 Review | Mobile Mentalism
The LG KG800 Chocolate phone comes with tri-band GSM connectivity and GPRS support. As befits a style phone, the KG800 Chocolate phone is super-thin – just 15mm thin, and weighing only 16g. There’s also a white version of the KG800 on sale as well, which presumablty reflects white chocolate.
超薄香醇巧克力機 LG KG800 極簡新體驗! - SOGI手機王
lg kg800 支援藍芽 1.2 版本無線傳輸,可輕易連結其他的電腦或是手機的藍芽裝置,也可連接藍芽耳機,享受無線生活的便利。 LG KG800 除了可和其他藍芽裝置傳輸,以及藍芽耳機之外,還支援藍芽列印和名片傳送等功能,藍芽無線傳輸的服務更加豐富。
LG KG800 USER MANUAL Pdf Download | ManualsLib
View and Download LG KG800 user manual online. Chocolate. KG800 cell phone pdf manual download.
Retromobe - retro mobile phones and other gadgets: LG KG800 …
2021年4月5日 · Recent LG devices have been slabby and competent smartphones, but did they ever make an iconic device? Possibly the most memorable phone they made was 2006’s LG KG800 “Chocolate”. An elegant slider phone, coming to market 15 years ago, the KG800 came from the golden age of mobile phone design.