TRC Reference Materials | LGC Standards
For over 40 years, TRC has specialised in the production of quality products for innovative research. Our goal is to provide the tools and support required by researchers in the global scientific community, with a range showcasing products for use in a wide array of application areas, including pharmaceutical and medicinal R&D, forensic science ...
LGC Standards: Reference Materials, Standards & Testing - LGC Ltd
Explore our vast range of research tools and analytical standards. More than 5,000 reference standards for pharmaceutical quality control. Supporting your needs for high quality reference materials for food and environmental analysis. Buy proficiency testing quickly and easily on …
Toronto Research Chemicals - trc-canada.com
As of November 9th, customers entering the TRC-Canada site will automatically be redirected to the LGCStandards.com site. All TRC products will be available for sale on the LGCStandards site. Should you encounter any issues, please contact your local sales office. We look forward to serving you in the future.
LGC acquires Toronto Research Chemicals, strengthening ... - LGC …
2019年8月12日 · Today, LGC announced the acquisition of a majority stake in Toronto Research Chemicals (“TRC”), a leading manufacturer and supplier of synthetic organic bio-chemicals which are used as reference standards, research tools and building blocks by a highly diversified global customer base across the pharmaceutical, applied and research sectors.
Reference standards, research chemicals & proficiency testing - LGC
With trusted brands including AXIO Proficiency Testing, Dr. Ehrenstorfer™, Mikromol™, and Toronto Research Chemicals (TRC), we offer innovative products such as the PestiMix range, a best-in-class PFAS portfolio, the latest in NDSRI risk assessment requirements and a broad range of Stable Isotope Labelled (SIL) drug standards ensuring ...
LGC收购加拿大化学品公司TRC 强化标准品全球领导地位
2019年8月13日 · LGC现已完成对多伦多研究化学品公司 (TRC)的收购,这是一家领先的合成有机生物化学品制造商。 该公司的研究化学品、研究工具和构建模块在全球范围内广泛应用于制药、生物技术和应用检测领域。 关于TRC. TRC拥有悠久的发展历史,由David和Charles Dime于1982年创建作为全球客户的首选供应商,在业内建立了良好的声誉。 TRC在多伦多拥有超过375名员工,其中约200名是博士和硕士,在12万平方英尺的厂房内运营,其中包括加拿大多伦多的15个 …
强强联手,LGC收购加拿大化学品公司TRC_企业动态_新闻中心_上 …
LGC现已完成对多伦多研究化学品公司 (TRC)的收购,这是一家领先的合成有机生物化学品制造商。 该公司的研究化学品、研究工具和构建模块在全球范围内广泛应用于制药、生物技术和应用检测领域。 TRC拥有悠久的发展历史,由David和Charles Dime于1982年创建作为全球客户的首选供应商,在业内建立了良好的声誉。 TRC在多伦多拥有超过375名员工,其中约 200 名是博士和硕士,在 12万平方英尺 的厂房内运营,其中包括加拿大多伦多的 15个生产实验室。 TRC目前提 …
加拿大TRC-多伦多研究级化学品-TRC: 标准品,杂质标样,复杂有机 …
Today, LGC announced the acquisition of a majority stake in Toronto Research Chemicals (“TRC”), a leading manufacturer and supplier of synthetic organic bio-chemicals which are used as reference standards, research tools and building blocks by a highly diversified global customer base across the pharmaceutical, applied and research sectors.
LGC收购加拿大化学品公司TRC - 仪器信息网
8月13日,LGC宣布已完成对多伦多研究化学品公司 (TRC)的收购,这是一家合成有机生物化学品制造商。 该公司的研究化学品、研究工具和构建模块在全球范围内广泛应用于制药、生物技术和应用检测领域。 TRC拥有悠久的发展历史,由David和Charles Dime于1982年创建。 目前,TRC在多伦多拥有超过375名员工,其中约200名是博士和硕士,在12万平方英尺的厂房内运营,其中包括加拿大多伦多的15个生产实验室。 TRC目前提供超过25万种产品,拥有超过46,000种化合物 …
TRC provides state-of-the-art instrumentation and highly qualified teams to ensure the highest standards throughout impurity analysis. In addition to its catalogue of fully compliant research chemicals, TRC also offers extensive analytical services for impurity identification, including quantitative and qualitative analysis, IR and NMR analysis,