LIPID MAPS website provides open-access to a large number of globally used lipidomics resources, including databases, tools and educational materials.
The LIPID MAPS® Structure Database (LMSD) is a relational database encompassing structures and annotations of biologically relevant lipids. As of today, LMSD contains 49554 unique lipid structures, making it the largest public lipid-only database in the world.
LIPID MAPS® generates tools and resources that address the emerging area of Systems Lipidomics, applied to biomedical research. This ranges from underpinning mechanistic studies on tissues, model systems and pathogenic and commensal microbes, through to …
Tutorials - LIPID MAPS
In this analysis, it is possible to explore systematic changes in lipid pathways at different levels: lipid class and lipid species. Those pathways will be highlighted and changes in enzyme activity will also be predicted.
The LIPID MAPS® Gene/Proteome Database (LMPD) is comprised of lipid-related genes and proteins; LMPD contains data for over 8,500 genes and over 12,500 proteins from Homo sapiens, Mus musculus, Rattus norvegicus, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Caenorhabditis elegans, Escherichia coli, Macaca mulata, Drosophila melanogaster, Arabidopsis thaliana and ...
SphinGOMAP© is a web-based biosynthetic pathway map of sphingolipids and glycosphingolipids developed during the 2003-2013 grant period by the LIPID MAPS® Consortium's Sphingolipid Core Lab, directed by professor Al Merrill.
The LIPID MAPS® Structure Database (LMSD) is a relational database encompassing structures and annotations of biologically relevant lipids. One can use this interface to search for "bulk", or "chain composition", structures — which provide information on number of carbons and double bond equivalents, but not regiochemistry or geometry ...
LIPID MAPS® Lipidomics Gateway
Download LIPID MAPS Ontology Tools package: lmontologytools.tar.gz (13kb) or lmontologytools.zip (13kb)
LipidFinder is an open-source Python workflow which searches a number of different databases to obtain putative identification of lipids, and assigns them to a class based on the LIPID MAPS® classification system.
Resources - LIPID MAPS
LIPID MAPS website provides open-access to a large number of globally used lipidomics resources, including databases, tools and educational materials.