同源异形基因 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
同源异形基因(英語: Hox genes )是生物體中一類專門調控生物形體的基因,一旦這些基因發生突變,就會使身體的一部分變形。 其作用機制,主要是調控其他有關於 細胞分裂 、 紡錘體 方向,以及硬毛、 附肢 等部位 發育 的基因。
关于Hox genes:从果蝇说起 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
homeobox genes的子集——HOX genes(只在动物中发现)复制后成为HOX clusters. HOX gene 突变后产生homeotic mutations,影响动物形态发育. 同源异型基因(英语:homeotic genes)是生物体中一类专门调控生物形体的基因,一旦这些基因发生突变,就会使身体的一部分变形。其 ...
Role of HOXA9 in leukemia: dysregulation, cofactors and essential ...
HOXA9 is a homeodomain-containing transcription factor that plays an important role in hematopoietic stem cell expansion and is commonly deregulated in acute leukemias. A variety of upstream genetic alterations in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) lead to overexpression of HOXA9, which is a strong predictor of poor prognosis.
Hox genes in evolution: protein surfaces and paralog groups
1997年4月1日 · Classifying Hox genes in Caenorhabditis elegans The small Hox cluster in the nematode C. elegans consists of four genes. In 3' to 5" order, they are ceh-13, 1in-39, mab-5 and egl-5 (Ref. 36). Even though a nonsegmented body sets apart the nematode from insects and vertebrates, genes in the complex specify anterior-posterior position-specific ...
Expression of Hox Genes in the Nervous System of Vertebrates
Studies on the patterns of expression, regulation and function of the vertebrate Hox gene family have played a key role in aiding our understanding of the basic ground plan of the CNS and processes that control how unique regional character is established and maintained in this complex organ system.
Studies have also shown that HOX genes appear to be important for normal T lymphocyte and activated natural killer cell function. Overexpression of Hox-b4 in trans-planted murine marrow cells results in a dramatic expansion of stem cells, …
Increased and sustained Hox expression is found in a subset of leukemia with chromosomal translocations involving the MLL gene. 1–3 This observation suggested that the MLL gene product (Mixed Lineage Leukemia or Mll protein) might be involved in HOX regulation.
Biology of Hox Genes: Questions and Technological Challenges
2025年1月3日 · Hox genes are crucial in determining segmentation identity in developing embryos, which ultimately sets an anteroposterior body axis. Over a century of research has discovered the fundamentals of the Hox gene and protein function in …
Hox基因及其进化机制的研究进展-【维普期刊官网】- 中文期刊服 …
Hox基因高度保守,通常成簇存在,编码一类转录因子,在个体胚胎发育中起着重要的调控作用。 近期研究表明,基因复制、基因序列变异及选择压力对Hox基因簇的产生和进化有重要作用,...
同源异形基因 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
同源异形基因(英语: Hox genes )是生物体中一类专门调控生物形体的基因,一旦这些基因发生突变,就会使身体的一部分变形。 其作用机制,主要是调控其他有关于 细胞分裂 、 纺锤体 方向,以及硬毛、 附肢 等部位 发育 的基因。