LM335 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s LM335 is a 2C analog temperature sensor, 10 mV/K in hermetic package. Find parameters, ordering and quality information
LM335 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
ti 的 lm335 是一款 采用气密性封装的 10mv/k、2c 模拟温度传感器。查找参数、订购和质量信息
LM335A data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s LM335A is a Military grade, ±1°C analog output temperature sensor with 10mV/K gain in hermetic pac. Find parameters, ordering and quality information.
The LM135 series are precision, easily-calibrated, integrated circuit temperature sensors. Operating as a 2-terminal zener, the LM135 has a breakdown voltage directly proportional to …
LM335 - Precision Temperature Sensor - STMicroelectronics
The LM135, LM235, LM335 are precision temperature sensors which can be easily calibrated. They operate as a 2-terminal Zener and the breakdown voltage is directly proportional to the …
LM335 Datasheet (PDF) - STMicroelectronics
The LM135, LM235, LM335 are precision temperature sensors which can be easily calibrated. They operate as a 2-terminal Zener and the break down voltage is directly proportional to the …
LM335 Temperature Sensor Pinout, Features, Circuit & Datasheet
2018年9月12日 · LM335 sensor is precision temperature sensor which can be easily calibrated. It has a breakdown voltage directly proportional to absolute temperature at 10mV/°K. LM335 has …
LM335A 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 LM335A 是一款 采用气密性封装、具有 10mV/K 增益的军用 ±1°C 模拟输出温度传感器。 查找参数、订购和质量信息.
LM335使用讲解之51单片机 - CSDN博客
2023年1月31日 · LM335芯片讲解. 芯片手册英文版; 主要特性; 检测温度范围-40~100摄氏度; 输出引脚TO可通过电位器改变输出电压,也可直接VCC; 电路接线图; Proteus仿真图. 总结. 输出电 …
LM335 Temperature Sensor: Configuration, Specifications, and ...
2024年8月15日 · The LM335 is a precision temperature sensor that provides an output voltage linearly proportional to the absolute temperature in Kelvin. It is manufactured by Texas …
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