LM358 data sheet, product information and support | TI.com
TI’s LM358 is a Dual, 30-V, 700-kHz operational amplifier. Find parameters, ordering and quality information
Utilizing the circuit designs perfected for Quad Operational Amplifiers, these dual operational amplifiers feature low power drain, a common mode input voltage range extending to ground/VEE, and single supply or split supply operation. The LM358 series is …
什么是LM358运算放大器?LM358引脚图及功能详解,几分钟带你 …
LM358 运算放大器 属于 一种低功率双运算放大器,由 两个独立的高增益内部频率补偿运算放大器 组成,专门设计 用于在宽电压范围内由单电源供电。 LM358 运算放大器 具有 低功耗 、共模输入电压范围扩展到地/VEE以及单电源或双电源操作。 与单电源应用中的标准运算放大器类型相比,它具有几个明显的优势。 该放大器可在低至 3.0 V 或高达 32 V 的电源电压下工作。 共模输入范围包括负电源,因此在许多应用中无需使用外部偏置组件。 输出电压范围还包括负电源电压 …
LM358 Datasheet(PDF) - Motorola, Inc
LM358 Product details Dual Low Power Operational Amplifiers Utilizing the circuit designs perfected for recently introduced Quad Operational Amplifiers, these dual operational amplifiers feature 1) low power drain, 2) a common mode input voltage range extending to ground/VEE, 3) single supply or split supply operation and 4) pinouts compatible ...
LM358 IC Pin Configuration, Working, LM358 Circuit Examples
2024年7月25日 · Battery Level Indicator Circuit Using Dual Op Amp Ic LM358 To Monitor 12V Battery’s low, normal and full level.
运算放大器介绍与应用电路(LM358) - CSDN博客
2021年4月25日 · 用LM358作为主要处理IC对红外信号进运算和放大。 首先当有红外接收二极管没有接收到红外信号的反射信号时,红外接收二极管反相不导通,同相输入端所连处为高电平则此时1号输出端输出高电平信号经过R3限流电阻输出Q1基极可承受高电平从而使Q1(9012PNP)不导通继电器不工作。 若红外接收二极管接收到了反馈红外信号则此时导通,同相输入端被拉低导致输出1号端口输出信号近乎为零此时Q1(9012PNP)导通继电器支路为通路继电器工作。 此线 …
LM358 数据表、产品信息和支持 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
TI 的 LM358 是一款 双通道、30V、700kHz 运算放大器。查找参数、订购和质量信息
LM358 IC Pin Configuration and Applications - ElProCus
The LM358 IC is a great, low power and easy to use dual channel op-amp IC. It is designed and introduced by national semiconductor. It consists of two internally frequency compensated, high gain, independent op-amps. This IC is designed for specially to operate from a single power supply over a wide range of voltages.
IC LM358 Pinout, Description, Equivalents & Datasheet
2017年12月5日 · LM358 is a dual op-amp IC integrated with two op-amps powered by a common power supply. It can be considered as one half of LM324 Quad op-amp which contains four op-amps with common power supply.
LM358 Dual Op-Amp Features, Pins, Working & Applications
2024年11月11日 · LM358 IC can handle 3V- 32V DC supply and source up to 20 mA per channel. In this guide, we will learn about the Dual Op-Amp LM358 basics, characteristics, circuits, working, pins configuration & Applications.
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