LM555 Timer Development Kit (#1710) | NightFire Electronics LLC
This is the LM555 Multi-Purpose Timer Development with PCB. It includes the very popular LM555 Timer IC in the 8-Pin DIP package, a well-designed PCB for the LM555, schematics, and the parts to build it.
LM555CN footprint & symbol by Texas Instruments - SnapEDA
Download schematic symbols, PCB footprints, 3D Models, pinout & datasheet for the LM555CN by Texas Instruments. LM555 Series 16 V 7.5 mA Monolithic General Purpose Single Timer - DIP-8. Exports to OrCAD, Allegro, Altium, PADS, Eagle, KiCad, Diptrace & Pulsonix.
LM555CN_onsemi (安森美)_LM555CN中文资料_PDF手册_价格-立 …
LM555CN由onsemi (安森美)设计生产,立创商城现货销售。 LM555CN价格参考¥1.1045。 下载LM555CN中文资料、引脚图、Datasheet数据手册,有定时器/计时器详细引脚图及功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。
LM555 footprint & symbol by Onsemi | SnapMagic Search
Download schematic symbols, PCB footprints, 3D Models, pinout & datasheet for the LM555 by Onsemi. LM555 HIGHLY STABLE 555 TIMER. Exports to OrCAD, Allegro, Altium, PADS, Eagle, KiCad, Diptrace & Pulsonix.
LM555CM/NOPB footprint & symbol by Texas Instruments
Download schematic symbols, PCB footprints, 3D Models, pinout & datasheet for the LM555CM/NOPB by Texas Instruments. Highly Stable 555 Timer. Exports to OrCAD, Allegro, Altium, PADS, Eagle, KiCad, Diptrace & Pulsonix.
Analog Devices / Linear Technology LM555 - app.ultralibrarian.com
Download CAD models for the Analog Devices Inc LM555. Available in over 22 CAD formats including: Altium, Eagle, OrCAD, KiCAD, PADS, and more.
HGSEMI (华冠)-LM555M/TR--引脚图-PCB封装图 - 嘉立创EDA
LM555CN/NOPB 是一款高度稳定的555 定时器,用于产生准确的时间延迟和振荡。 如果需要,该 元器件 还提供额外的端子用于触发或复位。 在延时工作模式下,时间由一个外部电阻和电容精确控制。 为了作为振荡器稳定运行,自由运行频率和占空比由两个外部电阻器和一个电容器精确控制。 该电路可以在下降波形上触发和复位,输出电路可以提供或吸收高达200mA的电流或驱动TTL电路。 立创商城LM555CN/NOPB型号页面提供型号详细中文资料,PDF数据手册在线查看和下 …
【LM555】产品参数介绍、LM555数据手册、中英文PDF资料下载 …
LM555是一个高度稳定的控制器,能够产生精确定时脉冲。 如果是单稳态运行,延时将由一个外部电阻和一个电容进行控制。 如果是稳态运行,频率和占空比将由两个外部电阻和一个电容进行精确控制。 高电流驱动能力 (200mA) 可调占空比 0.005%/°C的温度稳定性
LM555 Timer Development Kit (#1710) - Tindie
This is the LM555 Multi-Purpose Timer Development with PCB. It includes the very popular LM555 Timer IC in the 8-Pin DIP package, a well-designed PCB for the LM555, schematics, and the parts to build…
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