Large-mode area (LMA) thulium-doped fibers (TDF) are one of the key components when designing 2μm laser and amplifier systems aiming to further scale deliverable output powers. Current design limitations of LMA TDF’s affecting optical-to-optical efficiency and output beam quality are well-understood.
LMA-TDF-25P/250-HE, Large Mode Area Tm-Doped Fiber
Coherent Large Mode Area (LMA) Tm-doped fibers are optimized for high-power laser and amplifier systems operating at ~2 µm. Featuring a 25 µm core diameter and a 250 µm cladding diameter, the HE version offers enhanced performance for industrial, medical, and …
The LMA® ProtectorTM in anaesthetised, non‐paralysed patients: …
2019年1月28日 · A relatively new single-use, silicone-made, laryngeal mask airway, the LMA ® Protector TM (Teleflex Medical Europe, Westmeath, Ireland)1 has been recently introduced (Fig. 1), combining a pharyngeal chamber and dual gastric drainage channels. These were designed specifically to channel gastric contents away from the airway.
Influence of Pedestal Fiber Splice on Tm-Doped Fiber Laser …
2023年10月3日 · Abstract: The influence of Tm-doped pedestal fiber splice on the output performance of a large-mode-area (LMA) Tm-doped fiber laser (TDFL) has been investigated. Arc-fusion induced refractive-index deformation leads to laser leakage from the core to the pedestal, resulting in a periodic decrease in the output power of TDFL.
High-pulse-energy mode-locked and Q-switched large-mode …
2020年2月15日 · A 2 μ m large-mode-area (LMA) Tm-doped fiber laser passively mode-locked and Q-switched with a semiconductor saturable absorber mirror (SESAM) is reported. Based on the combination of spatial-mode-filtering from the SESAM’s feedback and spectral-mode-selection of a few-mode fiber Bragg grating (FBG), near-fundamental-mode is selected out.
Research progress on 2 μm germanate glass fibers and their laser ...
2024年12月6日 · The system incorporated two stages of pre-amplification and one power amplification stage, employing two LMA Tm 3+ doped germanate fibers with doping concentrations of 4 wt%. The core/cladding diameters were …
喉罩的进展及临床应用 - 百度文库
美国心脏协会(AHA) 推荐使用LMA™,基于以下因素*: – LMA™ 比面罩提供更安全和可靠的通气效果 – LMA™比袋式面罩反流风险小 – 研究支持护士,呼吸治疗师和急救人员使用LMA™用于控制呼 吸 – 病人头颈部受伤或治疗抢救条件简陋 31 插管型喉罩-Fastrach (iLMA)
Soliton Mode-Locked Large-Mode-Area Tm-Doped Fiber Oscillator
2019年12月16日 · We report a passively mode-locked fiber oscillator based on thulium-doped large-mode-area (LMA) fiber. Reliably mode-locking soliton operation can be readily achieved after the suppression of the higher-order modes by using mode field adapters in combination with coiling fiber method.
The large-mode-area multicore fiber with low and flat normal …
2022年3月1日 · A novel approach based on the mode coupling in the MCF is proposed for obtaining the LMA fiber with low and normal GVD characteristics. The dispersion equation derived by the CMT indicates that both the GVD of the single-core waveguide D SC ( λ ) and coupling-induced dispersion term D C ( λ ) contribute to the GVD of the MCF D MCF ( λ ).
喉罩,你知多少? - 搜狐
2016年11月1日 · 喉罩(LMA)由英国麻醉医师于1983 年根据解剖人的咽喉结构所研制的一种人工呼吸道,是一种特殊类型的通气管,是一种临床常用的介于面罩和气管插管之间的新型通气工具,因其具有操作简便、易于掌握、损伤小、病人耐受好等优点,已被广泛应用于全身麻醉尤其短小全麻手术呼吸管理以及抢救时的紧急气道开放。 1. 喉罩的类型. 喉罩是由套囊、喉罩插管、指示球囊、充气管、机器接头和充气阀组成。 根据其进展可分为第一、二、三代。 目前临床应用的 …