Combining advanced leading-edge process technology with state-of-the-art circuit design, the LME49710 audio opera-tional amplifiers deliver superior audio signal amplification for outstanding audio performance.
2011年9月17日 · 49710是款相当的平衡,极其的中规中矩的运放,它能把一点点的不足给放大了,电路随便一个电容的改变,电阻的改变,在它这里都能一点不差的体现出来。 特别是耦合电容和信号线的变化。 会放大缺点,然而优点或许不会夸大。 失款真正用于监听的东西,平衡中你会感觉低频稍微少点,极低频的下潜稍微显得不足。 所以637的耦合电容小点,但是49710可以稍微大点补偿听感上的低音不足感,其实不是不足,只是稍微的偏少,偏弱,但是很真实,只是真实 …
想请教下关于LME49710、LME49720、LM4562运放之间的关系, …
首先关于LME49710、LME49720、LM4562这3款运放一直有个疑问,究竟这三者之间是什么关系,LME49710是单运放,另外2款是双运放,LM4562是LME49710的双运放版本吗? 那LME49720又是什么呢,而且LME49720的SPICE库也没有在TI的官网上找到。 我在TI官网上下载到了2012年最新版的LM4562和LME49710的SPICE文件,但是在TINA仿真中,同一个电路图不同运放替换,仿真出来的结果却相差比较大,二者不是简单的单、双运放版本的关系吗。 我仔 …
LME49710MABD | 购买 TI 器件 | 德州仪器 TI.com.cn
The LME49710 is a Single High Fidelity Audio Operational Amplifier. This Audio Amplifier offers near zero THD+N and sets a new standard for high end audio users. National's newest Amplifier uses state of the art circuitry and process to achieve …
LME49710HABD Evaluation board | TI.com
View the TI LME49710HABD Evaluation board description, features, development resources and supporting documentation and start designing.
perational amplifier series optimized and fully specified for high performance, high fidelity applications. Combining advanced leading-edge process technology with state-of-the-art circuit design, the LME49710 . udio opera-tional amplifiers deliver superior audio signal amplification for outstanding audio performance. The LME49710 combine.
LME49710 Datasheet (PDF) - Texas Instruments
Part #: LME49710. Download. File Size: 1MbKbytes. Page: 34 Pages. Description: High-Performance, High-Fidelity Audio Operational Amplifier. Manufacturer: Texas Instruments.
LME49710 Datasheet (PDF) - National Semiconductor (TI)
Part #: LME49710. Download. File Size: 815Kbytes. Page: 28 Pages. Description: High Performance, High Fidelity Audio Operational Amplifier. Manufacturer: National Semiconductor (TI).
LME 49710 opamp; difference in available types? - diyAudio
2015年6月24日 · Hi, new member first post 🙂 I am heading to change my op-amps in a Quad 34 pre-amp. The TL's have to go for LME 49710NA that are generally considered as the best match for the moment. When looking for these LME 49710's on the internet I notice that there are many different suppliers. On top of the 8 pin IC you see three lines of letters and ...
Combining advanced leading-edge process technology with state-of-the-art circuit design, the LME49710 audio operational amplifiers deliver superior audio signal amplification for outstanding audio performance.