LMG-K-74 | FirearmCentral Wiki | Fandom
the LMG-K-74 (Leichter Maschinengewehr -Kalashnikov 74, or Light Machinegun - Kalashnikov 74) is an East German light machine gun, developed from the RPK-74.
RPK輕機槍 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
RPK (俄语: Ручной пулемёт Калашникова, РПК)是 蘇聯 在1959年為 蘇軍 裝備以替換 RPD 的 輕機槍,發射 7.62×39毫米 口徑M1943 中間型威力槍彈,屬於蘇聯的第二代班 支援武器。 RPK由 卡拉什尼科夫 從 AK 改良型 AKM 型步槍的基礎上改進而成,並保持著其良好效能及可靠性。 初期在十人步兵班中可配備一把RPK作 班用机枪,直至1970年代後期,小口徑的 AK-74 及 RPK-74 開始裝備蘇軍。 儘管如此,蘇軍仍有裝備大量RPK,解體後其繼承國(特別俄羅斯陸 …
East German MPi AKS-74N and other 5.45 rifles in detail; MPi ... - YouTube
2024年8月23日 · A video slide show showing off the East German MPi AKS-74N weapons family in extreme detail. 1984-1990. We explore from serial number 1 in 1984, to the MPi A...
Video Games - RPK - Internet Movie Firearms Database
NOTE: Some films use the Valmet M78 to impersonate the RPK. please see the Valmet M78 page for differences between these two weapons. The Zastava M72 is also on the M70 series page. (1961 – 1978) The RPK and variants can be seen in the following films, television series, video games, and anime used by the following actors: Upotte!! (1974 – present)
East German Optics...models, years, and sources of... - AK Rifles
2013年12月5日 · Here's the full meal deal, 1971-dated NSP-2 equipment set with transit can. these were issued with both MPi-KM-N and LMG-K-N rifles :
East German AK-74 Prototype Furniture - warsawwoodco.com
Based on polymer furniture found on East German MPi-AK-74N, PG-500 & LMG-K-500N prototypes, with the later set to enter NVA service in 1990 as an RPK replacement. The handguards are visually similar to the Wieger series but retain the standard AKM/AK74 configuration, while the pistol grip and buttstock were shared with the Wieger.
Rádio Clube de Inhapim | Motorista morre carbonizado
2024年11月28日 · 21 likes, 1 comments - radioclubedeinhapim on November 28, 2024: "Motorista morre carbonizado após caminhão carregado com combustível explodir na LMG-744 entre Virgolândia e Coroaci Um motorista morreu carbonizado depois que o caminhão carregado com combustível dirigido por ele explodiu na manhã desta quinta-feira (28), na LMG-744, no ...
Raketen- und Waffentechnischer Dienst (RWD) - Maschinengewehr K
lMG mit Trommelmagazin lMG mit Stangenmagazin : Bestimmung: Bekämpfung von Einzel- und Gruppenzielen durch Feuerstöße, Dauer- und Einzelfeuer techn. Daten: - Kaliber: 7,62 mm - Anfangsgeschw.: 745 m/s - Feuergeschwindigkeit theoretisch: 600 Schuss/min praktisch: 150 Schuss/min Einzelfeuer: 50 Schuss/min - Fassungsvermögen Trommelmagazin: 70 ...
RODOVIA: LMG-744 - Trecho: Nacip Raydan - Virgolândia-Pavimento Existente - CBUQ - Faixa C - Reperfilamento - CBUQ - Microrevestimento Asfáltico Km k 40 1116 127 13 149 4 4 4 4 15 B Km 5,0 6,0 7,0 8,0 8,7 Km 0,0 1,0 2,0 3,0 4,0 5,0 0 Nacip Raydan 0 3 2,0 2,0 8 7 4,0 2 2,0 2,0 Virgolândia 4,0 20,0 5 7 5,5 4,0
Pure AK features - combativestraininggroup.com
2010年2月20日 · With nearly unlimited resources, the Stasi had access to not only East German export small arms such as the Wieger-series, but also imported Western types such as the HK33. Bottom