SAFETY DATA SHEET 1. Identification Product identifier Liquified Petroleum Gas Other means of identification SDS number 306-GHS Synonyms LPG, Propane-Butane Mixture, Raw LPG See section 16 for complete information.
液化石油氣安全資料表 (LPG SDS)-鴻奇煤氣分裝有限公司-台塑石 …
對急救人員之防護:避免吸入LPG 氣體,並注意是否有火災爆炸之虞。 對醫師之提示:患者吸入時,可考慮用氧氣輔助呼吸。 滅火時可能遭遇之特殊危害:儲槽或氣罐車火災會造成沸騰液體膨脹蒸氣爆炸(BLEVE),避免槽體爆炸碎片噴射傷及身體。 特殊滅火程序:在無危害情況下將儲存容器搬離火場或與隔離其他可燃物。 以消防水冷卻容器直至火苗完全熄滅,人員遠離容器尾端方向。 1. 原則上,氣體火災燃燒極速,在容器或管線上,有氣體洩出並著火燃燒時,原則上不得 …
GHS label elements General : OSHA/HCS status :This material is considered hazardous by the OSHA Hazard Communication Standard (29 CFR 1910.1200). May cause frostbite. May displace oxygen and cause rapid suffocation. May form explosive mixtures with air. Read and follow all Safety Data Sheets (SDS’S) before use. Read label before use.
LPG as supplied by Origin contains less than 0.1% of 1,3 Butadiene. LPG is classified as a Dangerous Good by the Australian Dangerous Goods Code. GHS Classification Flammable Gases: Category 1 Gases under pressure: Liquefied gas 2.2 Label Elements Signal word Danger Pictogram Hazard statement(s) H220 Extremely flammable gas
Safety data sheet according to the United Nations’ Globally Harmonized System (UN GHS) Date / Revised: 16.08.2023 Version: 3.0 Product: LPG PROPANE (ID no. 30146233/SDS_GEN_00/EN) Date of print 08.03.2025 Handle in accordance with good industrial hygiene and safety practice. Ensure thorough ventilation of stores and work areas.
漏洩ガス火災の場合、漏洩が安全に停止されない限り消火しないこと。 漏洩ガス火災の場合、安全に対処できるならば着火源を除去すること。 換気の良い場所で保管すること。 日光から遮断し、換気の良い場所で保管すること。 気分が悪い時は、医師の診断、手当てを受けること。 水と石鹸で洗うこと。 皮膚刺激が生じた場合、医師の診断、手当てを受けること。 眼の刺激が持続する場合は、医師の診断、手当てを受けること。 水で数分間注意深く洗うこと。 次に、 …
ghs 危险性类别:易燃气体,类别 1;加压气体;生殖细胞致突变性,类别 1b 标签要素 象形图: 警示词:危险 危险性说明:极易燃气体; 含压力下气体,如受热可爆炸; 可引起遗传性缺陷; 防范说明: 预防措施:远离明火、火花、热源。禁止吸烟。保持容器 密闭。
1.1 Liquefied petroleum gases, usually referred to with the acronym LPG, are gaseous hydrocarbons. They have several uses; the most common ones are: fuel for home and industrial use, fuel for internal combustion engines, petrochemicals, …
Use only equipment approved for LPG installations and installed in accordance with HSNO, Health and Safety at Work (Hazardous Substances) Regulations 2017, relevant LPGA Codes of Practice and, if
Liquified petroleum gas - chemtrack.org
ข้อมูลความเป็นอันตรายตามระบบ GHS (อ้างอิงจาก Annex VI of CLP Regulation) Petroleum gases, liquefied; Petroleum gas; [A complex combination of hydrocarbons produced by the distillation of crude oil.