Lighting for a 36 gallon Bow front? - Reef Central
2016年6月2日 · I want it to be a mix of SPS/LPS eventually. (Zoa, candy cane, brain, xenia, frogspawn) And then for fish maybe some clowns, typical clean up, crabs, snails, shrimp, Maybe some green chromis, gobies, and after tank is mature about 1-2 yrs mandarin or red scooter (any other pretty fish that stay small this list may change as I research.)
Compatibility of Niger trigger and Blue spotted puffer - Reef …
2016年10月26日 · Previous tanks: 200 gal fowlr 9" Emperor Angel and many different butterfly fish 4" maroon clown and several other fish, 50 gal sump, 40 gal mixed reef/fish mostly softies and LPS. Current Tank Info: 40b 750 gph 45 lbs lr, 2"-3" sand, 165w full spectrum dimable LED, 20 gal sump/refugium 30 lbs lr, Bak Pak 2 skimmer, 4" sock temp 79-80, sg 1.026 ...
Will urchins eat Zoa's? - Reef Central Online Community
2013年12月14日 · Posts: 518 One day I picked up the rock my zoas were growing on because a few were missing. Turned out the was a sundial snail snugly living under the rock and munching away at night.
Popping clicking noises from rocks - Reef Central
2013年11月18日 · 70 Gallon Cube. 90+ lbs Fiji Live Rock. 8x HO T5's, MP10. Inhabitants~Soft Corals, LPS, few SPS
Keys to Successful Softies tank - Reef Central Online Community
2015年2月3日 · I've realized that 10 years of growing sticks has taught me alot but I still have to figure out what translates to LPS/softies. Reefing since 2003-DSA 100g pro, Radion XR-30 pros, ReefLink, Synergy Reef CL-34, Lifereef SVS2-24, Apex EL, various Jebao/Jecod RW/DCP/DCT
PAR for LPS - Reef Central Online Community
2017年3月15日 · Reef Central Online Community > Coral Forums > LPS Keepers: PAR for LPS User Name
Cyphastrea care: looking for general info - Reef Central
2014年11月11日 · They are great corals because they are also really adaptable when it comes to tank lighting and conditions.I have 5 types of Cyphastrea Sp. and I keep them in all of my coral different tanks that I have.I have them from low light with my Acans to really intense lighting with my sps and they seem to do great as long as they are acclimated to the lighting in your tank slowly.My sister has a 8 ...
How much easier is an LPS/softie reef compared to SPS? - Reef …
2010年11月10日 · LPS/Softies don't require as pristine water conditions as SPS. They can handle a little "dirty" water. They also are not as light dependent. You can keep most LPS under PC's (they won't thrive, but they will survive) but SPS have much higher light requirements. Same thing with flow, SPS have much higher flow requirements than LPS.
Acan fell off skeleton !! [Archive] - Reef Central Online Community
2011年7月29日 · It won't survive. Check your alk. My acans did the same exact thing when I first got into the hobby. I wasn't used to dosing and my alk was down around 4 DKH at the time I checked.
Skimmer Nyos Quantum - Page 4 - Reef Central Online Community
2016年8月10日 · Page 4- Skimmer Nyos Quantum Lighting, Filtration & Other Equipment