Blockage of lamin-A/C loss diminishes the pro-inflammatory …
2022年12月22日 · We now report that the pro-inflammatory activation of macrophages, as induced by LPS or pathogenic E. coli, reduces Lamin-A/C levels thereby augmenting pro-inflammatory gene expression and cytokine secretion.
Nanotube patterning reduces macrophage inflammatory response …
2023年7月19日 · Here, we found that nanotubes significantly decreased the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory response of RAW264.7 cells and suppressed lamin A/C expression. Moreover, the role of lamin A/C in the nanostructure-mediated regulation of macrophage inflammatory response was elucidated by overexpressing or silencing lamin A/C in ...
Macrophage Lamin A/C Regulates Inflammation and the …
We further demonstrate that overexpression of lamin A/C in macrophages promotes proinflammatory cytokine gene expression by enhancing NF-κB activity, while depletion of lamin A/C in macrophages suppresses LPS-induced inductions of proinflammatory genes.
Lamin A/C and the Immune System: One Intermediate Filament, …
In the adaptive immune system, lamin A/C expression is undetectable in resting B lymphocytes from human blood and mice , but increases upon treatment with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) . Lamin A/C has been detected in some B cell lymphomas [17,33], but not in unstimulated human and mouse T lymphocytes [34,35]; it is present in only very few ...
Here, we found that nanotubes significantly decreased the lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammatory response of RAW264.7 cells and suppressed lamin A/C expression.
Time-dependent proteomic and genomic alterations in Toll-like …
In this study, we determined the proteomic and genomic alterations in human chondrocytes during lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced inflammation to elucidate the underlying mechanisms and consequences of TLR-4 activation. Human chondrocytes were cultured with LPS for 12, 24, and 36 h to induce TLR-4 activation.
Role of lamin A/C on dendritic cell function in antiviral immunity
2024年9月12日 · These findings expand our understanding of the role of lamin A/C in immune system cells, indicating that lamin A/C in DCs, following LPS treatment, primes DCs for an enhanced antiviral response. ATAC-seq results also showed that the majority of differential peaks were situated in regulatory regions.
<br>Lamin A/C 通过调节细胞增殖和免疫反应介导小 ... - X-MOL
2023年11月10日 · Stat1 被确定为 Lamin A/C 调节小胶质细胞激活机制中的枢纽蛋白。 此外,DNA 复制、染色质组织和 mRNA 加工也被 Lamin A/C 改变,其中 Ki67 履行了主要的中枢功能。
LPS treatment modifies the homeostasis of calcium in LPS treated ...
Download scientific diagram | LPS treatment modifies the homeostasis of calcium in LPS treated macrophages by showing changes in the expression of both PMCA-ATPase and CD47 using western blot...
Lamin B1 regulates somatic mutations and progression of B-cell
2017年8月14日 · Here, we report that genome binding of Lamin B1, a component of the nuclear envelope involved in epigenetic chromatin regulation, is reduced during B-cell activation and formation of lymphoid...