LRP6 Gene - GeneCards | LRP6 Protein | LRP6 Antibody
2024年12月25日 · LRP6 (LDL Receptor Related Protein 6) is a Protein Coding gene. Diseases associated with LRP6 include Coronary Artery Disease, Autosomal Dominant 2 and Tooth Agenesis, Selective, 7. Among its related pathways are ncRNAs involved in Wnt signaling in hepatocellular carcinoma and Alzheimer's disease and miRNA effects.
LRP6 - Wikipedia
LRP6 is a transmembrane low-density lipoprotein receptor that shares a similar structure with LRP5. In each protein, about 85% of its 1600- amino-acid length is extracellular. Each has four YWTD β-propeller motifs at the amino terminal end that alternate with four epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like repeats, followed by three LDLR type A repeats.
Harnessing low-density lipoprotein receptor protein 6 (LRP6) …
2017年7月11日 · Low-density lipoprotein receptor protein 6 (LRP6) is a Wnt co-receptor with essential functions in the Wnt/β-catenin pathway, and mutations in LRP6 gene...
LRP6 Receptor Plays Essential Functions in Development and …
LRP6 is a member of the low-density lipoprotein receptor superfamily of cell-surface receptors. It is required for the activation of the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway. LRP6 is detected in different tissue types and is involved in numerous ...
LRP6 LDL receptor related protein 6 [ (human)] - National Center …
Lrp6 binds to Frizzled, preventing Frz-regulated non-canonical Wnt pathway activation and further non-canonical pathway-mediated tumour metastasis. No mutations in LRP5 and LRP6 could be identified; LRP6 variants may be associated with risk of ischaemic stroke. Particularly for TNBC associated with Skp2/LRP6 overexpression.
LRP6 downregulation promotes cardiomyocyte proliferation and …
2020年9月24日 · Low-density lipoprotein receptor-related protein 6 (LRP6) is a Wnt co-receptor that is required for embryonic heart development. In this study we...
Targeting LRP6: A new strategy for cancer therapy
2024年6月1日 · As a cell-surface receptor and vital co-receptor, LRP6 is frequently overexpressed in various cancer types, implicating its pivotal role in driving tumor progression. The pursuit of LRP6 as a target for cancer treatment has gained substantial traction, offering a promising avenue for therapeutic intervention.
LDL 受体相关蛋白 6(LRP6)基因 | MCE - MCE-生物活性分子 ...
该基因编码低密度脂蛋白 (LDL) 受体基因家族的成员。 LDL 受体是参与受体介导的脂蛋白和蛋白质配体内吞作用的跨膜细胞表面蛋白。 由该基因编码的蛋白质充当受体,或者与 Frizzled 一起充当 Wnt 的共同受体,从而传递典型的 Wnt /β-连环蛋白信号级联。 通过与 Wnt /β-连环蛋白信号级联的相互作用,该基因在细胞分化、增殖和迁移的调节以及许多癌症类型的发展中发挥作用。 这种蛋白质经历依赖于伽马分泌酶的 RIP- (受调节的膜内蛋白水解) 处理,但尚未确定切割位点的精确 …
LRP6 LDL receptor related protein 6 [ Homo sapiens (human) ]
2024年12月10日 · Title: A genetic variant of the Wnt receptor LRP6 accelerates synapse degeneration during aging and in Alzheimer's disease. An LRP6 mutation (Arg360His) associated with low bone mineral density but not cardiovascular events in a Caucasian family.
低密度脂蛋白受体相关蛋白6 - 百度文库
研究发现,LRP6的表达异常与阿尔茨海默病、帕金森病等神经系统疾病的发生和发展密切相关。LRP6通过调节神经元功能、保护神经细胞免受氧化应激损伤等途径,起到神经保护作用。 二、LRP6的临床应Hale Waihona Puke Baidu与研究