Tank Landing Ship LST-1122 San Joaquin County - NavSource
One Landing Craft Tank (LCT), tanks, wheeled and tracked vehicles, artillery, construction equipment and military supplies. A ramp or elevator forward allowed vehicles access to tank deck from main deck. Additional capacity included sectional pontoons carried on each side of vessel amidships, to either build Rhino Barges or use as causeways.
LST-1122 - NHHC
Following World War II, LST-1122 performed occupation duty in the Far East until late October 1945. Following occupation duty, LST-1122 operated off the west coast of the United States until...
San Joaquin County LST-1122 - Historycentral
In August, LST-1122 was ordered activated. She was recommissioned on 3 November and departed San Diego on 27 January 1951 for the Hawaiian Islands, Japan, and the Korean combat zone. LST-1122 arrived at Yokosuka on 3 March. Two weeks later, she got underway for Korea carrying Army troops from Ulsan and Pusan to Inchon.
San Joaquin County - NHHC
2015年9月2日 · In June 1950, hostilities again broke out in the Far East as the North Korean People's Army pushed past the 38th Parallel into the Republic of (South) Korea. In August, LST-1122 was ordered...
Albert Reale remembers the Okinawa typhoon most about WW II
2011年7月11日 · All the ships in Buckner Bay, off Okinawa, were ordered to sea before the typhoon hit, the 86-year-old former sailor said recalling the storm more than 65 years later. Reale was at the wheel of LST-1122 during much of the blow as he fought to keep the battered supply ship from foundering in the turbulent sea.
中海級戰車登陸艦 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
中海級戰車登陸艦,舊稱為 中字號戰車登陸艦[1],為 美國 在 第二次世界大戰 建造的LST二型 戰車登陸艦。 简称L.S.T,俗称“開口笑”。 隸屬 海軍一五一艦隊。 LST二型有 LST-1級 (英语:USS LST-1) 、 LST-491級 (英语:USS LST-491) 與 奇蘭郡級 (英语:USS Chelan County (LST-542)) 三級,但外觀上無明顯區分。 艦首装有两扇门,能左右张开,另设活动跳板,位于两门之后。 艦体四周有双层夹壁,艦身中部成一统长方形大舱,无支柱,专供装运戰車、士兵之用 …
Ship Details: SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY (LST 1122) - nvr.navy.mil
2024年12月5日 · Ship Details - SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY (LST 1122) TANK LANDING SHIP. VESSEL STATUS. Class: LST 542 UIC: 58122 Status: disposed of, by navy sale. Fleet: Date status Changed: 09/01/1974 Homeport: Maintenance Category: Berth: Force: Builder: MILESTONE DATES ...
USS LST 1122 (LST 1122) of the US Navy - uboat.net
The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat. This section includes over 21.000 Allied Warships and over 11.000 Allied Commanders of WWII, from the US Navy, Royal Navy, Royal Canadian Navy, Royal Australian Navy, The Polish Navy and others.
Print, Photographic : 2010.124.6 - LST Memorial
LST-1122 (U.S.S. San Joaquin County) on an beach in East or Southeast Asia circa 1957.
SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY LST 1122 - NavalCoverMuseum
USS LST-1122/USS SAN JOAQUIN COUNTY earned the Navy Meritorious Unit Commendation Ribbon, the American Campaign Medal, the Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, the World War II Victory Medal, the Navy Occupation Service Medal (with Asia clasp), the National Defense Service Medal (2 awards), the Korean Service Medal w/ 5 Battle stars, the Vietnam ...