LST-892 - NHHC
lst-892 During World War II, LST-892 was assigned to the Asiatic-Pacific theater and participated in the assault and occupation of Okinawa Gunto from April through June 1945. Following the war,...
Tank Landing Ship LST - NavSource
USS LST-892 earned one battle star for World War II service Final Disposition, sold for scrapping, 27 October 1947, to the Moore Dry Dock Co., Oakland, CA
USS Iredell County - Wikipedia
USS Iredell County (LST-839) was an LST-542-class tank landing ship built for the United States Navy during World War II. Named after Iredell County, North Carolina, she was the only U.S. Naval vessel to bear the name. She was acquired by the Indonesian Navy in 1970 as KRI Teluk Bone (511) and decommissioned in 2019. She is planned to be ...
LST - 850 - 900 - Historycentral
lst - 892 During World War 11, LST-892 was assigned to the Asiatic-Pacific theater and participated in the assault and occupation of Okinawa Gunto from April through June 1945. Following the war, she performed occupation duty in the Far East until mid-February 1946.
LST-892. Mission. No Mission for this vessel. Historical Documents. No documents for this vessel. Milestones. No events for this vessel; Ship Imagery. No images for this vessel. Status Cards. Documents. No documents for this vessel. Plans. No documents for …
USS LST 892 (LST 892) of the US Navy - uboat.net
Decommissioned on 5 July 1946. Sold on 27 October 1947. Click here to Submit events/comments/updates for this vessel. Please use this if you spot mistakes or want to improve this ships page. The U-boat War in World War Two (Kriegsmarine, 1939-1945) and World War One (Kaiserliche Marine, 1914-1918) and the Allied efforts to counter the threat.
Landing Ships Tank LST 797 thru LST 1155 - Shipbuilding History
The LST built by U.S. shipyards for the U.S. Navy was technically the LST Mk. 2: the Mk. 1 and Mk. 3 were the British versions. All the Mk. 2s were essentially the same, 1,625 light tons (LDT) and 328 feet overall (LOA), although some had variations in their outfit.
Tank Landing Ship (LST) - NavSource
There were four (4) TYPES of sea going vessels listed by Allied Nations of World War II to become known as Landing ship, tank or the LST. Only the Type II were exclusively built in United States shipyards. The Prototype (British conversion), Type I and Type III LST designs were built in Commonwealth shipyards in England, Ireland or Canada.
NH 82170 USS LST-892 - NHHC
In San Francisco Bay, with LCT-1294 on deck, 1945-46.
LST 892 - NavalCoverMuseum
LST-892 earned one battle star for World War II service. If you have images or information to add to this page, then either contact the Curator or edit this page yourself and add it. See Editing Ship Pages for detailed information on editing this page. Copyright 2024 Naval Cover Museum.