Panzer 38 (t) - Wikipedia
The Panzerkampfwagen 38(t), originally known as the Českomoravská Kolben-Daněk (ČKD) LT vz. 38, was a tank designed during the 1930s, which saw extensive service during World War II. [3] Developed in Czechoslovakia by ČKD, the type was adopted by Nazi Germany following the German occupation of Czechoslovakia . [ 3 ]
LT-38轻型坦克 - 百度百科
LT-38坦克的战斗全重为9.4吨,乘员4人,主要武器为斯柯达兵工厂制造的37mm 反坦克炮,可发射穿甲弹和榴弹。 弹药基数和LT-35一样,都是72发;LT-38坦克和LT-35坦克的主要不同点在推进系统上。 LT-38坦克上采用的是6缸水冷汽油机,其气缸容积7.15L (LT-35坦克上汽油机的为8.5L),最大功率为125hp (91.9kW)。 变速箱有5个前进档和1个倒档。 行动部分采用平衡悬挂装置,弹性元件是半椭圆形片状弹簧,每侧有4个大直径负重轮,主动轮在前,诱导轮在后,另有 …
Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) Ausf.A - Tank Encyclopedia
2020年12月5日 · While both would be put into service, the Germans were far more interested in the more advanced LT vz. 38, which was far superior to the German Panzer I and II and was a close match for the larger Panzer IIIs. The LT vz. 38 would provide a great asset for the German Panzer Divisions during the first few years of the war.
LT-38戰車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
LT-38 是 捷克斯洛伐克 斯柯達 廠製造的 輕型戰車,德軍編號 Sd.Kfz140 Pz.38 (t),由著名的斯科達(Skoda)兵工廠所製造,於1938年末起服役於捷軍,1939年3月德國併吞捷克之後,鑑於此車設計優良,遂以 Pz.38 (t) 的名號繼續使用,一直到大戰後期都還能看到此車的變種繼續為德國在各地奮戰。 1937年10月,捷克軍方提出一款新式輕戰車的需求,隨後選中了TNHS,再經由斯科達廠稍加改良之後,於1938年元月推出了LTvz.38,並於7月獲得捷克軍方的150輛訂單。 但隨著 …
LT-38戰車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
LT-38是捷克斯洛伐克 斯柯达廠製造的輕型戰車,德軍編號Sd.Kfz140 Pz.38(t),由著名的斯科達(Skoda)兵工廠所製造,於1938年末起服役於捷軍,1939年3月德國併吞捷克之後,鑑於此車設計優良,遂以Pz.38(t)的名號繼續使用,一直到大戰後期都還能看到此車的變種繼續為 ...
CKD Lt.Vz.38 - tank-afv.com
The CKD-Skoda LT vz.38 (or "model 1938") was a rather conventional, prewar design, with a riveted hull and turret, a set of two bogies sprung by leaf springs, each with its own large road wheel, rear idler, front drive sprocket, engine at the rear with the transmission tunnel in between.
LT-38坦克及其各种改型(搬运) - 百度贴吧
1939年3月16日,德国吞并捷克,LTvz.38也就跟着被德军接收,由于其性能与初期型的PZ. III三号坦克旗鼓相当,加上性能优秀,结构简单又耐用,因此德军乃将其配属于第七、第八装甲师,并且命斯科达厂继续生产,同时改编为PZ.38(t)。 LT vz 38坦克④视图+数据乘员4人
WWII Vehicles: The Czech Panzer 38 (t) - Warfare History Network
About 80 LT vz 38s were also secured by the Nazis. The German Army quickly realized that these machines, especially the LT vz 38, would be indispensable additions to its fledgling tank force and provide much needed punch to the Wehrmacht’s “mailed fist.”
Panzerkampfwagen 38(t) - panzernet.net
Light tank Pz 38(t) (exactly PzKpfw 38(t) = Panzerkampfwagen 38(t), „t“=“tschechisch“, for simplicity, we will keep the final German designation of this tank, in the original Czechoslovak army it was referred to as LT vz.38) was manufactured in 1939-1942 by the Prague ČKD (Českomoravská Kolben Daněk), which the Germans renamed in ...
Panzer 38 (t) - WW2 Weapons
The Panzer 38 (t) was, in fact, the Czech LT Vz 38 which was produced for the Wehrmacht after the annexation of the Czechoslovakian provinces of Bohemia and Moravia in March 1939. Ordered as a prototype from CKD (Praga) in 1937, the Vz 38 was outright winner of competitive tests held in 1938.