The LT1016 is specified for a common mode range of –3.75V to 3.5V with supply voltages of ±5V. A more general consideration is that the common mode range is 1.25V above the negative supply and 1.5V below the positive supply, independent of the actual supply voltage. The criteria for common mode limit is that the output still
LT1016 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
2013年11月22日 · The LT1016 is an UltraFast 10ns comparator that interfaces directly to TTL/CMOS logic while operating off either ±5V or single 5V supplies. Tight offset voltage specifications and high gain allow the LT1016 to be used in precision applications.
LT1016数据手册和产品信息 | Analog Devices
LT1016 是一款 UltraFast 10ns 比较器,可直接地连接至 TTL/CMOS 逻辑电路,并采用 5V 或单 5V 电源供电运作。 严格的偏移电压规格和高增益使得 LT1016 能够在精准型应用中使用。
LT1016 Datasheet by Analog Devices Inc. - Digi-Key Electronics
View LT1016 by Analog Devices Inc. datasheet for technical specifications, dimensions and more at DigiKey.
LT1016 Datasheet by Analog Devices Inc. | Digi-Key Electronics
The LT1016 is sample tested with a 1V step . and 500mV overdrive. Correlation tests have shown that t PD and ∆t PD. limits shown can be guaranteed with this test if additional DC tests are . performed to guarantee that all internal bias conditions are correct. For low .
LT1016 的典型应用 - 超快速精密 10ns 比较器 - EEWorld
lt1016 的典型应用是一款超快 10 ns 比较器,可直接连接至 ttl/cmos 逻辑,同时采用 ±5v 或单 5v 电源供电
LT1016 数据手册 比较器芯片 - 百芯EMA
2023年1月12日 · 查看和下载 lt1016 数据手册 22页, lt1016 比较器 linear technology lt1016cs8#pbf 模拟比较器, 轨至轨, 精度, 1, 10 ns, 4.6v 至 5.4v, -2v 至 -7v, soic, 8 引脚。免费下载lt1016 数据手册。
LT1016,LT1016 pdf,LT1016中文资料,LT1016引脚图,LT1016电 …
19 LT1016 APPLICATIO S I FOR ATIO 1Hz to 10MHz V-to-F Converter The LT1016 and the LT1122 FET input amplifier combine to form a high speed V-to-F converter in Figure 16. A variety of techniques is used to achieve a 1Hz to 10MHz output.
LT1016 PDF数据手册_芯片中文资料_芯片规格参数_(Analog …
lt1016 具有一个 latch 引脚,当保持高电平时,该引脚将在输出上保留输入数据。 静态负电源电流仅为 3mA。 这使得能够利用一个简单的阻性分压器从几乎任何电源电压来驱动负电源引脚。
LT1016IS8 Analog Devices Inc. | 集成电路(IC) | DigiKey
当天下单,当天发货。来自 Analog Devices Inc. 的 LT1016IS8 – 比较器 带锁销 CMOS,补充型,TTL 8-SO。DigiKey 提供数以百万计电子元器件的定价和供应信息。