基于 Lu3+ 的纳米探针用于肝细胞癌的虚拟非对比 ... - X-MOL
为了克服这一障碍,我们开发了一种用dp-peg2000修饰的lu3+/gd3+掺杂氟化物纳米探针,实现了hcc的ct/mri双模态成像。 与碘油或碘佛醇相比,所得聚乙二醇化产物 LG-PEG 在高 keV CT 图像中表现出更大的密度值。
Lu3+-based nanoprobe for virtual non-contrast CT imaging of ...
To overcome this obstacle, we developed one kind of Lu 3+ /Gd 3+ doped fluoride nanoprobe modified with Dp-PEG2000 to realize CT/MRI dual-modality imaging of HCC. Compared with lipiodol or ioversol, the obtained PEGylated product LG-PEG demonstrated a greater density value in high keV CT images.
[2311.06631] A 3D Conditional Diffusion Model for Image Quality ...
2023年11月11日 · Image Quality Transfer (IQT) has been developed to enhance the quality of images by learning a mapping function between low and high-quality images. Existing IQT models often fail to restore high-frequency features, leading to blurry output.
Hydration and Ion Pair Formation in Aqueous Lu3+- Solution
2018年12月7日 · Aqueous solutions of Lu 3+ - perchlorate, triflate and chloride were measured by Raman spectroscopy. A weak, isotropic mode at 396 cm −1 (full width at half height (fwhh) at 50 cm −1) was observed in perchlorate and triflate solutions. This mode was assigned to the totally symmetric stretching mode of [Lu (OH 2) 8] 3+, ν 1 LuO 8.
A turn-on fluorescent probe for Lu3+ recognition and bio-imaging in ...
A new Lu3+ selective fluorescent probe L was synthesized and characterized. The optical properties of L were investigated by using absorption and fluorescence spectral studies in 7 : 3 (v/v) aqueous dimethyl sulphoxide. Upon addition of Lu3+ in a pH 4 (acetate buffer) solution of L, the weakly fluorescent pr
稀土配合物的发光性能 - 百家号
2020年10月15日 · 包括Pr3+ (4f2)、 Nd3+ (4f3)、 Ho3+ (4f10)、Er3+ (4f11)、Tm3+ (4f12)、Yb3+ (4f13)等,此类稀土离子可通过重原子效应和电子交换效应,使能量从配体转移到中心离子,淬灭配体的发光,还可能由于其能级分布比较稠密,容易发生内部转换产生非辐射跃迁。 不产生发光的稀土中心离子。 它包括La3+ (4f0)、Gd3+ (4f7)、L23 (4f14)。 由.于La3+不存在f电子,Gd3+的激发态能级较高,Lu3+壳层为稳定的全充满结构,均不可能发生f-f跃迁,但是在一定条件下,此 …
Hydration and Ion Pair Formation in Aqueous Lu3+- Solution
In LuCl3 (aq) solutions measured over a concentration range from 0.105–3.199 mol·L−1 a 1:1 chloro-complex was detected. Its equilibrium concentration, however, disappeared rapidly with dilution and vanished at a concentration < 0.5 mol·L−1.
Improvement of a Lu3+Carbon Paste Electrode Based on …
2015年10月1日 · According to obtained results this Lu 3+ nano-composite carbon paste sensor exhibited good selectivity with respect to a number of lanthanide and transition metal ions.
Selenium and iodine contents were analysed in goat milk coming from three commercially oriented farms in east (farm A) and south (farms B, C) Bohemia. The average iodine level found in milk from farm A was 393.6 ± 111.2 μg/kg, from farm B 584.9 ± 186.9 μg/kg, and from farm C 397.6 ± 223.4 μg/kg.
Based on the results of growth performance, an optimum total dietary Thr:Lys ratio in the finisher stage of pigs ranges from 0.66 to 0.68. The optimal dietary supply of amino acids to growing pigs has been intensively studied for many years.