LEYBONOL LVO 211 | Ester Oil LEYBONOL | Oils / Greases / …
LEYBONOL LVO 211. Characteristics: Synthetic oil without hazards (ester oil with additives). Very high thermal, oxidative and chemical stability, good deterging and dispersion characteristics, …
LEYBONOL LVO 211 is our new safe and high quality ester oil which replaces LVO 210 and is a perfect fit for your pump*. Furthermore, using our safe oil means less com-plex documentation …
LEYBONOL LVO 211 208 liter - Vacuum Pump Supply llc
LEYBONOL LVO 211. Characteristics: Synthetic oil without hazards (ester oil with additives). Very high thermal, oxidative and chemical stability, good deterging and dispersion characteristics, …
LEYBONOL LVO 211 - Leybold North America Shop
Discover Leybonol LVO 211, a synthetic ester oil with exceptional stability, deterging, and dispersion characteristics and excellent wear protection. Compatible with TRIVAC, SP-Line, E …
真空泵油 LVO 211 | 酯油LEYBONOL | 真空泵油/真空润滑脂/真空润 …
真空泵油 lvo 211. 油品 类型: 合成油(含添加劑的 酯油)极高的热稳定性,氧化稳定性和化学稳定性,良好的清洁分散性,优异的耐磨性 应用范例: 高温 应用和抽除空气,化学惰性气体,(干 …
LEYBONOL LVO 211, 5 Liter – Leybold North America Shop
Explore Leybonol LVO 211, a synthetic ester oil with additives that offer high thermal, oxidative, and chemical stability. This lubricant provides good deterging and dispersion characteristics …
Datasheet - Leybold USA Inc. - LVO 211 | GlobalSpec
LEYBONOL LVO 211. Characteristics: Synthetic oil without hazards (ester oil with additives). Very high thermal, oxidative and chemical stability, good deterging and dispersion characteristics, …
Leybonol LVO 211, 20 Liter - High Vacuum Company B.V.
LEYBONOL LVO 211. Characteristics: Synthetic oil without hazards (ester oil with additives). Very high thermal, oxidative and chemical stability, good deterging and dispersion characteristics, …
LEYBONOL LVO 211 | Esteröl LEYBONOL | Öle / Fette / …
LEYBONOL LVO 211. Merkmale: Synthetisches Öl (Esteröl mit Additiven). Sehr hohe thermische, oxidative und chemische Stabilität, gute Reinigungs- und Dispersionseigenschaften, …
LEYBONOL LVO 211 20 liter - Vacuum Pump Supply llc
LEYBONOL LVO 211. Characteristics: Synthetic oil without hazards (ester oil with additives). Very high thermal, oxidative and chemical stability, good deterging and dispersion characteristics, …