Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
LVT (A)-4 amtank at Iwo Jima beach, c. February/March 1945. The Amphibious Vehicle, Tracked (LVT or AMTRAC) is an amphibious warfare vehicle and amphibious landing craft, introduced …
LVT(A)-1 坦克 - 百度百科
LVT (A)-1 是给登陆海滩的两栖突击车辆提供火力支援的。 在LVT基型车上安装一门M6的37mm炮(M44炮塔),两挺7.62mm M1919A4式重机枪。 1944年2月,LVT (A)-1 第一次使用,500 …
其实,LVT就是Landing Vehicle,Tracked(履带式登陆车)的缩写。 实际上,LVT是一种履带式两栖装甲输送车。 LVT履带式登陆车的出现,提高了登陆作战中从舰到岸这一重要阶段的推进 …
LVT(A)1 Amtrack - tank-afv.com
The LVT(A)-1 was an up-armored and completely modified amphibious support tank based on the LVT-2, fitted with a modified M5 light tank turret.
LVT (A) (4) - War Thunder Wiki
Introduced during Update 1.97 "Viking Fury" as a reward for the 2020 Victory Day event, the LVT (A) (4) is a premium beginner light tank under the U.S. Army ground forces. It has similar …
WT绝版载具——LVT(A)(4) Zis-2 - 知乎 - 知乎专栏
LVT(A)(4) Zis-2 是美国二级坦歼,权重2.3。它是2016年圣诞马拉松陆军任务的第一个奖品,完成6个任务获得。 LVT(A)(4) Zis-2本来是中国的载具,据说当年是改装用来打湾湾的。这个车应 …
【战争雷霆载具资料】LVT(A)-4/ZiS-2两栖战车 - 哔哩哔哩
建议用法:远距离狙击,平原野战。 避免用法:近距离作战,山地战,巷战。
LVT(A) Landing Vehicle, Tracked (Armored) - GlobalSecurity.org
Design work on the Roebling-Food Machinery model, LVT (A) (1) was not completed until December 1941, and the prototype did not emerge from the Food Machinery plant until June …
美国造LVT(A)水陆坦克 - jb.mil.cn
根据战场使用情况,为增加防护和进攻能力,在LVT-1的基础上加装了装甲和M2轻型坦克的炮塔,称为“LVT (A)-1式水陆坦克”,A即“装甲”的英文缩写。 之后,美军又在LVT-2和LVT-4上分别 …
Peleliu’s Forgotten World War II Battlefield
The Landing Vehicle Tracked (LVT), also known as the amphibious tractor (Amtrac, Amptrac), was essential to U.S. forces during World War II (WWII) in the Pacific Theater. The vessel …