LVTP-5 - Wikipedia
The LVTP-5 (landing vehicle, tracked, personnel 5) is a family of amphibious armored fighting vehicles used by the Philippine Marine Corps, the Republic of China Marine Corps, and, formerly, the United States Marine Corps.
Landing Vehicle Tracked - Wikipedia
LVT (A)-4 amtank at Iwo Jima beach, c. February/March 1945. The Amphibious Vehicle, Tracked (LVT or AMTRAC) is an amphibious warfare vehicle and amphibious landing craft, introduced by the United States Navy and United States Marine Corps. (The USN and USMC use "L" to designate Amphibious vessels, also called "L class".)
LVTP-5裝甲車 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
LVTP-5 是 美國海軍陸戰隊 使用的一系列兩棲登陸履帶裝甲車輛 [註 1]。 它是由 博格華納 公司(Borg Warner Company)設計,FMC(Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation 食品機械與化學公司)以及其他一些公司承攬量產。 於1956年初服役。 LVTP-5首次用於 1958年黎巴嫩危機 [1]。 包括專業用途的衍生型在內共生產了1,124輛。
LVTP-5裝甲車 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書
LVTP-5 是 美國海軍陸戰隊 使用的一系列兩棲登陸履帶裝甲車輛 [註 1]。 它是由 博格華納 公司(Borg Warner Company)設計,FMC(Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation 食品機械與化學公司)以及其他一些公司承攬量產。 於1956年初服役。 LVTP-5首次用於 1958年黎巴嫩危機 [1]。 包括專業用途的衍生型在內共生產了1,124輛。
载具科普:LVTP-5 - 哔哩哔哩
2023年7月24日 · LVTP-5是美国海军陆战队使用的一系列两栖登陆履带装甲车辆(列如LVT)。 LVTP5是由博格华纳公司(Borg Warner Company,汽车零件厂商)设计和FMC(Food Machinery and Chemical Corporation 食品机械与化学公司)以及其他一些公司建造的。 最初于1956年投入服务。 1958年LVTP-5首次用于黎巴嫩危机。 包括专业用途的衍生型在内共生产了1,124辆。 类型 两栖装甲运兵车. 原产地 美国. 服役记录. 服役期间 1952-1974年前. 参与战 …
LVTP-5 amphibious Amphibious Personal Carrier (1956)
The LVTP-5 is a perfect example of a manufactured product that clearly makes functionality prime over any other consideration. Ugly and heavy, it was the direct evolution of a long line of LVTPs (Landing Vehicle, Track, Personnel) that served in the Pacific during ww2.
lvtp5 - 百度百科
LVTP5车体是驳船形全焊接结构,甲板内侧由骨架支撑,是一刚性防水密封壳体。 为提高水上机动性,车体前甲板和底甲板制成倒V形。 车前的液压驱动跳板铰接在车体上,由内外两层钢板组成,中间用等间隔的板条隔开,车体开口四周粘有实心橡胶密封圈,以保证跳板关闭时的密封性。 驾驶员位于车前左侧,车长位于车前右侧,都配有4个M17潜望镜、1个M17C潜望镜和单扇舱盖。 机枪炮塔位于车长和驾驶员中间偏前位置,M1919A4式7.62mm机枪的俯仰范围为-15°~+60°, …
LVTP-5 (Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel) - Military Factory
2018年10月8日 · Detailing the technical specifications, development, and operational history of the LVTP-5 (Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel) Amphibious Armored Personnel Carrier including pictures. The global defense reference actively compiled since 2003
LVT-5 - NamuWiki
2025年2月11日 · The LVT-5 is a landing armored vehicle used by the US Marine Corps, and the basic LVTP-5 was produced by 1,123 units, which was the flagship armored vehicle of the US Marine Corps. At the time, it was not an official nickname, but in the US Marine Corps, the vehicle "Amtrac" [1] The soldiers were called "Swamp Rat" (mouse or nutria).
LVT-5 - Military Wiki | Fandom
The LVTP-5 (Landing Vehicle, Tracked, Personnel) was a family of amphibious armored fighting vehicles used by the United States Marine Corps. It was designed by the BorgWarner company and built by FMC (Food Machinery Corporation) along …