Adidas Al Rihla - Wikipedia
It was the official match ball of the 2022 FIFA World Cup in Qatar and has also been used as the official match ball for the Saudi Professional League and Qatar Stars League for the 2022-23 …
Al Rihla Competition Ball - adidas United States
Mimicking the look of the FIFA World Cup™ official match ball, this adidas Al Rihla Competition ball is made for matches. Its seamless, thermally bonded surface and butyl bladder mean …
卡塔尔世界杯官方用球Al Rihla,有什么黑科技? - 36氪
自 1970 年以来,阿迪达斯一直为世界杯提供足球,其为 2022 年卡塔尔世界杯设计的官方比赛用球为 Al Rihla。 一位体育物理学家对世界杯的官方用球 Al Rihla 进行了分析。 本文来自编 …
AL RIHLA - 百度百科
Al Rihla(英文名The Journey,中文名旅途)是2022年卡塔尔世界杯官方比赛用球。 足球的设计灵感来自卡塔尔文化,部分元素取材于卡塔尔国旗和标志性的建筑、船只等。
Writing the Rihla: 1355 | ORIAS - University of California, Berkeley
Rihla means "voyage" in Arabic and it was a genre (type) of Arab literature that combined a description of travel (travelogue) with commentary on the people and practices of Islam …
Ibn Battuta - World History Encyclopedia
2019年2月7日 · Ibn Battuta (l. 1304-1368/69) was a Moroccan explorer from Tangier whose expeditions took him further than any other traveler of his time and resulted in his famous …
Rihla - Wikipedia
Riḥla (Arabic: رحلة) refers to both a journey and the written account of that journey, or travelogue. It constitutes a genre of Arabic literature.
Rihla — Wikipédia
Réalisée depuis le XIIe siècle ans par des voyageurs du monde arabe, la rihla a évolué au gré des moyens de transport et des préoccupations de chaque époque.
Rihla - Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre
La riḥla (en árabe, رحلة) es un género literario clásico de la literatura en lengua árabe que consiste en el relato de un viaje. La palabra rihla, que propiamente significa «viaje por etapas», …
Ibn Battuta's Rihla. - Library of Congress
The full title of the book of his journeys is Tuhfat al-anzar fi gharaaib al-amsar wa ajaaib al-asfar (A gift to those who contemplate the wonders of cities and the marvels of traveling), but it is …