This is LAAX Mountains
World-renowned for its top-class snow parks, LAAX offers you much more than that: 224 kilometers of slopes, 29 lift facilities, breathtaking natural scenery, and first-class gastronomy – winter sports fans will get their money's worth here.
Flims Laax | Home
Flims Laax has so much to offer. Biking Hiking Skiing Snowboarding Freestyling - Unique experiences during your summer and winter vacations in Flims Laax Falera!
Laax - Wikipedia
Laax (German: [laːks]; Romansh: Lags, pronounced [laks]) is a municipality in the Surselva Region in the Swiss canton of Graubünden. Laax is first undoubtedly mentioned c. 1290–98 as Lags. [3]
This is LAAX Mountains
This is LAAX Mountains. Das weltbekannte Freestyle-Mekka in den Schweizer Alpen. Ein Ort, wo Freestyle, Lifestyle und Greenstyle sich treffen.
Laax - Switzerland Tourism
With 235 kilometres of pistes stretching across 100+ square kilometres of snow-assured slopes around the 'Crap Sogn Gion', the ski region of the Flims, Laax and Falera resorts constitutes one of Switzerland's very large, connected winter sports regions.
Tickets - LAAX
Prices and tickets of LAAX at a glance. Buy your ticket for the mountain or lake directly in the webshop or via the LAAX app.
Opening hours and tickets Flims Laax
Here you will find all the important information about the mountain railways in Flims Laax, ski passes, day or season tickets in the Swiss holiday destination, the opening times of the mountain railways and lifts as well as our season times.
Flims Laax Falera | Ferien in Graubünden
Hier findest du Ticketinfos, Preise und aktuelle Öffnungszeiten. Unsere Pisten und Anlagen begeistern Anfänger und Profis, klassische Skifahrer, Freestyler und Boarder. Unsere …
Laax - Narty Snowboard - Narty w Laax - Alpy Szwajcarskie
LAAX, to kurort narciarski położony w Alpach Glarneńskich, w kantonie Gryzonia, w dystrykcie Surselva we wschodniej części Szwajcarii. Ośrodek znajduje się na wysokości od 1100 do 3018 m.n.p.m. i słynie z bardzo dobrze rozbudowanej infrastruktury narciarskiej w której skład wchodzą aż 4 parki rozrywki.
Galaaxy LAAX - The Space Station in the ski resort LAAX
The GALAAXY mountain station is the center of the LAAX ski area and offers restaurants and accommodation as well as event locations and a work space.