This is LAAX Mountains
LAAX – where freestyle is celebrated. Where unique nature meets an unmistakable lifestyle. LAAX is not just a place, but also a feeling. Here you get everything from one source: from hotel accommodation to a table in the restaurant to numerous activities, lift …
Flims Laax | Home
Biking Hiking Skiing Snowboarding Freestyling - Unique experiences during your summer and winter vacations in Flims Laax Falera!
Laax - Wikipedia
Laax Lake Aerial view (1949). Laax has an area, as of 2006, of 31.7 km 2 (12.2 sq mi). Of this area, 35.8% is used for agricultural purposes, while 30.6% is forested. Of the rest of the land, 3.6% is settled (buildings or roads) and the remainder (29.9%) is non-productive (rivers, glaciers or mountains). [4] Before 2017, the municipality was …
This is LAAX Mountains
This is LAAX Mountains. Das weltbekannte Freestyle-Mekka in den Schweizer Alpen. Ein Ort, wo Freestyle, Lifestyle und Greenstyle sich treffen.
Laax - Switzerland Tourism
Flims Laax Falera containing the resorts of Flims, Laax und Falera in the Rhaeto-Romanic linguistic and cultural region of the Surselva (anterior Rhine valley) in the canton of Graubünden is situated on a sunny plateau, high above the Rhine gorge. Each of the three villages has specialised in a particular guest group.
Transport - LAAX
Here in LAAX, you can easily leave your car parked. Public transportation in the destination is a simple and convenient way to get around the destination. Schedules Local Bus Information. LAAX Airport Shuttle. Your comfortable transport from Zurich Airport to LAAX and back again. Book the Airport Shuttle up to 48 hours before your arrival or ...
Flims Laax Falera | Ferien in Graubünden
Biken Wandern Skifahren Snowboarden Freestylen - Einzigartige Erlebnisse in Ihrenen Sommer- und Winterferien in Flims Laax Falera!
Laax, Switzerland | 2025 - Ski.com
Skiing in the Laax region of Switzerland is an adventure for every skill level. Part of the renowned Weisse Arena resort, which also includes Laax and Falera, Laax offers a diverse range of terrain to explore. Beginners can ease into the sport on the gentle slopes of Foppa or soak up the sunshine on the scenic runs at Crap Sogn Gion.
Öffnungszeiten & Tickets | Bergbahnen und Skigebiete Flims Laax
Hier findest du alle wichtigen Informationen rund um die Bergbahnen in Flims Laax, Skipässe, Tages- oder Saisontickets in der Schweizer Feriendestination, die Öffnungszeiten der Bergbahnen und Lifte sowie unsere Saisonzeiten. Damit dein Ferien-Abenteuer in Flims Laax entspannt startet, gibt es ein paar Dinge zu wissen.
Laax Resort Guide - World Snowboard Guide
Laax is no unknown backwater, and for freeriders wanting first tracks you'll need to be on the first lift, as everything gets tracked out incredibly quickly. Accomodation and services are very spread out between Laax and Flims, but there is a free shuttle bus linking all the areas together. The base at Laax has significantly improved since the ...