Halim Group - Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
Our research at the CRUK Cambridge Institute leverages our expertise in ILC biology and innate/adaptive immune crosstalk, and many of the strengths of the institute: Imaging inflammation and cancer Developing new immune-targeted reagents Single cell technologies to study the tumour niche
Narita Lab
The Narita Lab CRUK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge . We work on cellular stress response with particular emphasis on cellular senescence. Senescent cells are not just arrested cells. They are actively engaging in shaping local tissue or even the systemic environment. As a mechanism of such cellular activities, we focus on gene ...
CRUK Therapeutic Discovery Laboratories | CRUK CC
Cancer Research UK's Therapeutic Discovery Laboratories (CRUK-TDL), formerly CRT Discovery Laboratories, is the in-house CRUK drug discovery unit with a principal focus on establishing and prosecuting biologically-themed multi-project alliances with industry. Based at the Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge, and the London Bioscience …
Cancer Research UK Open Lab Initiative
Cancer Research UK Open Lab Initiative. ... Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247). A company limited by guarantee. Registered company in England and Wales (4325234) and the Isle of Man (5713F). ...
Cancer Research UK Manchester Institute | University Of …
The Leukaemia Immunology and Transplantation laboratory aim to develop a comprehensive strategy to prevent post-transplant relapse in patients treated with allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation – the only curative therapy for many patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and other poor-risk haematological malignancies.
Cancer Molecular Diagnostics Laboratory | CRUK CC
The laboratory currently operates under Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and Good Clinical Lab Practice (GCLP) standards while working towards ISO 15189 accreditation. ... CRUK Cambridge Centre Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute University of Cambridge Li Ka Shing Centre, Robinson Way Cambridge, CB2 0RE. Connect with us. [email protected] ...
Gilbertson Group - Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
His laboratory research is focused on understanding the link between normal development and the origins of cancer, particularly brain tumours. ... Cambridge researchers are set to receive a major cash injection from Cancer Research UK to help develop the next generation of treatments for children with brain tumours.
CRUK Scotland Institute
Welcome The CRUK Scotland Institute (formerly the CRUK Beatson Institute)* is core-funded by Cancer Research UK and provides a dynamic, supportive and well-resourced environment for its basic and translational scientists. Our mission is to understand the mechanisms that regulate cancer cell proliferation, survival and dissemination; to identify critical components of these pathways as targets ...
Research Groups - Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute
With a truly collaborative culture and core funding from Cancer Research UK, our team of leading scientists are working to bring discoveries from the lab and into the clinic to improve patient lives. ... IMAXT Laboratory. Creating virtual reality maps of tumours IMAXT Laboratory Jackson Group. Maintenance of genome stability Find out more ...
Our Research Centres | Cancer Research UK
Our Open Lab Initiative has been launched to encourage CRUK Centre Network research groups, CRUK-funded laboratories, and other groups undertaking cancer-related research to hold joint group meetings online. ... Cancer Research UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (1089464), Scotland (SC041666), the Isle of Man (1103) and Jersey (247 ...
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