Libas Tree or Spondias pinnata - Philippine Trees
2022年10月9日 · Libas Tree or common hog plum is a Philippine native tree commonly known for its edible leaves and fruits. In Philippines, having this tree in your backyard will make you famous among neighbors during fiestas and special occasions.
Libas - Arca del Gusto - Slow Food Foundation
The bark, leaves and fruits have medicinal properties and is used in the treatment of wounds, sores, and burns. The leaves are edible, and they have a sour taste. Young leaves are used as an ingredient in meat stew and filling for fish such as sinanglay (stuffed fish), a Bicolano delicacy.
Libas, Spondias pinnata, COMMON HOG PLUM - StuartXchange
Libas is a tree reaching a height of about 25 meters and a diameter of about 60 centimeters. Bark surface is smooth, with irregular cracks, grey to pale reddish brown, exuding a clear, sticky sap with a turpentine smell. Leaves are alternate, pinnately compound, 20 …
Our Native Tree - PressReader
2015年7月5日 · Leaves: alternatively pinnate; leaflets ovate oblong, 7-14 cm long or more and 3-5 cm wide; base rounded, apex pointed to acuminate. Fruits: ellipsoid to oblong; fleshy; yellow orange when ripe; with one husky seed. Bark: light black with shallow white fissures and numerous small white spots
Amazing Health Benefits Of Consuming Libas Fruit - PhilNews.PH
2017年3月22日 · Libas fruit is known as ‘Spondias’ with edible and sour taste, which also contain numerous health benefits to the body’s health. Spondias is locally named as alabihod, abihid, lanu, and alambihod. This type of plant can be usually found in …
Guava (Psidium guajava L.) Leaves: Nutritional Composition ...
Guava leaves (Psidii guajavae folium; GL) are dark green, elliptical, oval, and characterized by their obtuse-type apex. Guava leaves, along with the pulp and seeds, are used to treat certain respiratory and gastrointestinal disorders, and to increase platelets in …
Nauclea orientalis - Wikipedia
It grows to a maximum of around 30 m (98 ft) in height and has large glossy leaves. It bears spherical clusters of fragrant flowers that develop into golf-ball-sized edible but bitter fruits. The yellowish-to-orange soft wood is also used for timber and in woodcarving and folk medicine.
Different Types of Leaves with Names and Pictures - Science Facts
2023年2月2日 · Broadly all leaves are classified into two main types, based on the arrangement of the leaf lamina (the broad, thin, flattened surface of the leaf), which is the site of photosynthesis and transpiration in plants. They are given below. 1. Simple Leaves. It is a single leaf with undivided leaflets that are directly attached to the stem.
Labuag / Sapinit / Hibiscus bifurcatus: Philippine Herbal Therapy ...
Labuag is a weak-stemmed trailing plant covered with soft hairs and scattered prickles. Leaves are rounded, toothed, and deeply and palmately 3- or 5-lobed. Flowers are yellow with a dark red center. Capsules are hairy and ovoid. Seeds are downy.
Home - LeafSnap
Leafsnap is a series of electronic field guides being developed by researchers from Columbia University, the University of Maryland, and the Smithsonian Institution. The free mobile apps use visual recognition software to help identify tree species from photographs of their leaves.