Chrysopidae - Wikipedia
Green lacewings are delicate insects with a wingspan of 6 to over 65 mm, though the largest forms are tropical. They are characterized by a wide costal field in their wing venation, which …
Indian Ringneck Parakeet - Violet Lacewing - Female - Parrot …
Baby Violet Lacewing Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) Available! Indian Ringnecks are popular for their charismatic behavior and outstanding mimicking potential. They come in a …
Violet Pastel Lacewings Indian Ringnecks
Violet Pastel Lacewings Indian Ringnecks are very attractive parrots. They are multicolored and showcase lighter shades of white, yellow, violet, and blue. Mature males will get a black ring …
Baby Green Lacewing Indian Ringneck Available At Parrot Stars!
2025年1月30日 · Baby Green Lacewing Indian Ringneck Parakeet (Psittacula krameri) Available! Indian Ringnecks are popular for their charismatic behavior and outstanding mimicking …
Indian Ringneck Parakeet - Lace Wing ( Female ) - Parrot Stars
Parrot Stars is an exotic bird store that specializes in exotic parrots. We breed, hand feed, hand tame, and socialize a wide variety of avian species. We treat our breeder birds with the same …
What is a lacewing? - IndianRingNeck.com
Excuse me for being a bit new to IRN's, but what exactly is a lace wing? I just got my hen today and she is light green, dark green, blue (part of tail) and it looks like there is yellow on the …
Exploring The Natural And Mutated Colors Of Indian Ringneck Parrots
2023年11月30日 · The Lacewing mutation is a delicate and intricate variation in Indian Ringneck colors. This mutation results in birds with a combination of light yellow feathers and a white or …
What Is a Lace Wing Parrot? - xzhbc.com
A parrot with lacewing coloring has red eyes, pale violet cheek spots, and brown or cinnamon-colored markings on its neck and along the edge of the feathers on his wings. The pattern …
Lacewing Indian Ringneck | The Animal Store Baby Bird Nursery
2019年3月28日 · This Lacewing is a beautiful and unique variation of a Ringneck parrot (or parakeet). Ringnecks come in a wide-variety, and this one is particularly pretty. They are …
Turquoise Pastel Lacewing Parrotlet - xtreemparrotlets.com
The lacewing effect are many small feathers that are staggered on top of one another. With the larger feathers located above the lacewing effect. Other Parrotlet color mutations that are not …