Laelia-alaorii - Andy's Orchids
Andy's Orchids cultivates exceptional-quality orchid species, and our shipping guarantees a safe arrival.
Common Name Alaori's Laelia [Brazilian collector of species late 1900's] Flower Size 1.72" [4.35 cm]
Laelia (Cattleya) alaorii ‘TON Too’ - Essence of Orchids
2019年9月28日 · Near perfection in an orchid flower: subtle, delicate color and symmetry in the flower of Cattleya (Laelia) alaorii ‘TON Too’. This species is a wonderfully adaptable, compact, …
Cattleya alaorii at Santa Barbara Orchid Estate
This charming species is one of the more rare examples of the ultra-miniature Cattleya group referred to as "hadrolaelias". This petite species was first collected growing epiphytically in the …
Laelia alaorii var. orlata (coerulea) x self - OrchidWeb
Grow in medium light conditions with intermediate to warm temperatures. A compact species native to Brazil that grows well in pots with bark mix or on slabs. This is the slightly coerulea...
Cattleya alaorii - New World Orchids
Cattleya alaorii (a.k.a. Laelia alaorii) is super-miniature sized, intermediate to warm growing epiphyte from Brasil. Plants have have a creeping, sometimes branching rhizome with short …
Orchid Species: Laelia alaorii
Laelia alaorii is an orchid species identified by Brieger & Bicalho in 1976. Culture information and photos for this orchid are commonly detailed under the currently accepted name of Cattleya …
Laelia alaorii - Cattleya Source - Wikidot
Common Name: Alaori's Laelia. Habitat: Brazil. Rare. Laelia alaorii is found in the State of Bahia where it grows in low mountain rain forests in southeastern Brazil. Plant Size: Miniature. 3 to 4 …
Arne's Orchid Corner: Orchid of the day: Cattleya alaorii
2020年8月9日 · Cattleya alaorii, commonly known as Laelia alaorii, is a miniature-sized orchid, endemic to an isolated mountain chain near Itabuna, Bahia state, in Brazil. They are found on …
Laelia alaorii - seattleorchid.com
Laelia alaorii 'Tokyo' x 'Brazil', 2" pot, not blooming size established seedling