IOSPE PHOTOS - orchidspecies.com
Found in Brazil at elevations of 600 to 1300 meters, low down on trees in swampy woods with some shade and high humidity as a miniature sized, warm to cool growing epiphytic species, with ovoid pseudobulbs carrying a single, apical, narrowly oblong-ligulate, leathery leaf that blooms in the fall with one or 2, long-lasting, showy, fragrant light...
Cattleya pumila care and culture | Travaldo's blog
Cattleya pumila also called as The Dwarf Cattleya, Bletia pumila, Cattleya marginata, Cattleya pinelii, Cattleya pinelii var marginata, Laelia pumila, Hadrolaelia pumila, Laelia praestans var noblis, Sophronitis pumila, is a species of the genus Cattleya. This species was described by William Jackson Hooker in 1838. IDENTIFY CATTLEYA PUMILA
Laelia pumila — Palmer Orchids
Cute, cute, cute! dwarf species whose flowers tend to dwarf the plant itself, L. pumila is adorable and easy to grow. Plants Available: The plants pictured are the plants currently available. (Flowers opening mid-September) Care: Grow in bright light and high humidity, with good air circulation.
Laelia Sec.Hadrolaelia - American Orchid Society
Section Hadrolaelia includes species that produce fairly large flowers on small plants. The section includes well-known species such as Laelia pumila, L. praestans and L. dayana, that all produce flowers that are 3" to 5" across on plants that are barely larger than that.
Laelia pumila - Cattleya Source - Wikidot
Laelia pumila is easy to grow and has been used to create some exquisite compact hybrids. Grow mounted on tree fern or cork or in a basket with excellent drainage. Need bright light and humidity. Ample water during active growth and a dry winter rest are required for reliable flower production. It grows quickly to form remarkable specimens.
Laelia pumila v. alba — Palmer Orchids
L. pumila is a dwarf species whose flowers tend to dwarf the plant itself. Cute, compact, easy to grow, perfect for mounting. Plants Available: Two plants currently available. The first plant pictured is the smaller of the two offered. The second plant available is a size up from the plant pictured, growing in two directions.
Orchid Species: Laelia pumila
Laelia pumila is an orchid species identified by (Hook.) Rchb.f. in 1853. Culture information and photos for this orchid are commonly detailed under the currently accepted name of Cattleya pumila .
IOSPE PHOTOS - orchidspecies.com
What distinguishes L spectabilis from L pumila is that L spectabilis has larger flowers with broader and longer trumpet-shape to the lip that has a cowhorn-like upward sweep apex. The central tuft of the disc in the throat of L pumila is missing in this species.
Laelia pumila - sborchid.com
Laelia pumila In its native habitat of northern Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, this species can be found growing on trees in swampy woodlands. Here at our nursery it can be found growing outdoors in hanging slatted wood baskets, mounted on trees and cork slabs, in overgrown plastic pots, and most spectacularly, as hanging spherical specimens.
IOSPE PHOTOS - orchidspecies.com
Found in southeastern Brazil at elevations of 700 to 900 meters as a warm growing epiphyte that blooms in the spring. Often given as a synonym of L pumila but it is separable. The easiest diagnostic is the following.