lagg - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Battlefield 5 lagg. does anyone know how to fix this? all my drivers are updated. direct12 disabled low settings computer specs gtx 1060 6gb 8 gb ram intel core i5-6600 CPU if anyone can help me with this thnx! :D
Massive Lagg on big lots - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hello, I have massive lagg at big lots. Its not playable, on other games i have no problems, they use a lot more GPU ussage. I have a geforce gtx1660 and on ultra it uses 30% GPU. If i travel to small lots it is smooth. But on big lots, i have massive FPS drops. How can i fix this?
Solved: lagg - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hi EzyHawk, Thank you so much for replying to this! 1: Verify MS/Ping to the server in game - Please see attached with UOTrace results.
Solved: lagg - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Solved: so i have the fx 8350 and rx560 and 8 g ram and getting lagg and i wano play i use low grAPHICS
lagg apex legends - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
2024年10月12日 · I'm experiencing lagging in every single game of Apex Legends that I play. I’ve already gone down the internet route and there is no problems with my connections, my ping or my speed.i even played some other battle royal games without lagg.i unistall the game and downloaded again but nothing.im playing from pc with wired internet connection.sorry my …
Lagg - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
My game begin to lagg , i am getting like 5 fps , i reinstalled the game and i it didn't work , i then i got my settings to super LOW with custom , and i got the same fps. Please help me i spend 50 dollars on this game...
Server and lagg problem - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
2024年3月22日 · It’s hard to play HUT Champions this week. Either the game lagg or i get ”Lost connection. My internet is okey 500/500 mbit. Nothing wrong with my internet and still this problem :/
Fc25 INPUT LAG - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
2025年1月10日 · I find myself after two months of pure fun reiterating the topic of input lag on PC. I have a nice configuration, with 3070 TI, 64 GB RAM and i7 12700K, but despite having 200fps, I find the gameplay very slow, as if in my controller there is 1ms of delay when it is not, I use a 144hz 1ms monitor, s...
fifa 22 lagg - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
забиваю гол, счёт становится 3:0, соперник вызывает паузу, она не отображается, и её у соперника будто нет а у меня есть, он играет , а я не могу управлять игроками, я как будто а ф к стою, но из-за того что я нажимаю ...
Massive lagg - Answer HQ - EA Answers HQ
Hi guys, the lagg on the game is insane during the weekend leaque. These are the best rewards in the game but its unplayable. My connection is on 97% so it must be the servers.