What does it mean to add “lah” to the end of a word? | HiNative
2024年10月27日 · Adding "lah" to the end of a word in Indonesian serves to emphasize the statement or command being made. It can also indicate a sense of certainty or conviction in what is being said. For example: - "Tolong buka pintu" (Please open the door) can be emphasized as "Tolong buka pintu lah" (Please do open the door).
Can you define "lah" to foreigner? : r/indonesia - Reddit
"Lah"/"Lah kok" - expressing disbelieve, usually due to the second party not exceeding the first party's expectation. "Minumlah"/"Makanlah"/"Tidurlah"/"Hiduplah" - an assertion of will or a command, you should drink/eat/sleep/live. "Iyalah"/"ya iyalah" - expressing that a certain axiom should be obvious, that it does not make sense to be otherwise.
Senam yang iya iyalah - Indonesia Ver (No surprise exercise ... - YouTube
CHECK NEW MOVIES! 「Pamali metal」 https://youtu.be/gSKbjNAZ5n0「Dua dua duuua」https://youtu.be/EQbirRpvD7kCOWCOW is the most famous comedy duo in Japan. This i...
【deh, dong, nih, sih, loh 】とはどういう意味ですか? - インドネ …
Deh, dong, nih, sih, loh are Jakartan dialect. All of these came from Betawi. Many Betawi people use this word in conversation and then spread to all over Java island and several people outside Java are using it too.
What does Ya iyalaah masya ya iya dong Duren aja dibelah
2018年8月15日 · [lah]の[ya iyalah] と[dong]の[ya iyadong]は方言です。 意味は[もちろん]のような意味と思います。 たとえば: ''kamu suka kucing?'' 君は猫が好き? ''ya iyalah/ya iya dong. kucing kan lucu.'' はい、もちろん。猫は可愛ですよ。 こんな感じです。
What does -lah suffix at the end of words mean? - HiNative
lah it's such as suggestion when it's combine with word for examples 》 lah + datang (verb):come suggestion datanglah kerumahku sekarang! (suggestion: come to my home now!!) 》lah + menari (verb) dance menarilah denganku (suggestion:dancing with me!!) 》lah + ayo (verb) come on ayolah (come on) 》lah + boleh (allowed) bolehlah 》lah + pergi: (go) to ...
lah iyalah! - YouTube
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Oke Lah Iyalah Profiles - Facebook
View the profiles of people named Oke Lah Iyalah. Join Facebook to connect with Oke Lah Iyalah and others you may know. Facebook gives people the power...
Cinta Laura - Ya Iya Lah Lyrics - SONGLYRICS.com
Cinta Laura - Ya Iya Lah Lyrics. sejak ku pertama kali ku melihatmu dahsyat getaran cintamu memanggil diriku namun aku tak sanggup mengungkapkannya karena ku takut dirimu tl
Senam Yang Iya Iyalah - Song Lyrics and Music by Cow Cow
Senam Yang Iya Iyalah by Cow Cow - Karaoke Lyrics on Smule. | Smule Social Singing Karaoke app