Lai (poetic form) - Wikipedia
A lai (or lay lyrique, "lyric lay", to distinguish it from a lai breton) is a lyrical, narrative poem written in octosyllabic couplets that often deals with tales of adventure and romance. Lais were mainly composed in France and Germany, during the 13th and 14th centuries. The English term lay is a 13th-century loan from Old French lai.
Lai: Poetic Forms | Types of Poems | Poetry - Writer's Digest
2013年8月26日 · Learn how to write a lai, a French poetic form comprised of nine lines with "a" and "b" end rhymes and a syllable count for each line. Sound complicated? Fun? It is! The lai is another French form. It's a nine-line poem or stanza that uses an "a" and "b" rhyme following this pattern: aabaabaab.
Lai (Lay) Definition and Poetic Examples - Poem Analysis
A lai, or lay, is a medieval lyric poem written in France in octosyllabic couplets. There are a few examples of this specific poetic form in English.
Lai | Medieval, Troubadour, French | Britannica
lai, medieval poetic and musical form, cultivated especially among the trouvères, or poet-musicians, of northern France in the 12th and 13th centuries but also among their slightly earlier, Provençal-language counterparts, the troubadours, and, called Leich, by the German minnesingers. The lai was a long poem having nonuniform stanzas of ...
Lai Poetry Form: Unveil Heart’s Whispers - Word Wool
2023年12月14日 · The lai is a French form utilizing nine-line verses that are further divided up, structurally, into three-line units. Each verse has an AABAABAAB rhyme scheme, while each three-line unit has a 5-5-2 syllable structure. This makes for a poem form that is demanding, but aesthetically pleasing when properly achieved.
Poetry Form - The Lai
The Lai, a French syllabic verse form, is a poem of one or more stanza of nine short lines that include two rhymes. The stanza of the Virelay, also a French syllabic verse form, uses the same rhymes and syllabic count (5-5-2 repeated 3 times) as the Lai.
Poetry form: Lai and Lai Nouveau - dVerse
2019年4月25日 · The Lai is a very old French form and tradition states that the short line must not be indented, it must be left dressed to the poem. This is known as Arbre Fourchu (Forked Tree); there is a pattern meant to be set up as a tree.
Famous Lai Poems | Examples of Famous Lai Poetry
PoetrySoup is a great educational poetry resource of famous lai poems. These examples illustrate what a famous lai poem looks like and its form, scheme, or style (where appropriate). See also:
Lai Poems | Examples of Poems about Lai - PoetrySoup.com
Lai Poems - Popular examples of all types of lai poetry to share and read. View a list of new poems for LAI by modern poets.
What is an example of a lai poem? - Answers
2024年3月22日 · One example of a lai poem is "The Lais of Marie de France," a collection of narrative poems from the 12th century. The lais are short lyric poems with a specific verse form and usually...