Lamia - Wikipedia
Lamia (/ ˈleɪmiə /; Ancient Greek: Λάμια, romanized: Lámia), in ancient Greek mythology, was a child-eating monster and, in later tradition, was regarded as a type of night-haunting spirit or …
拉米亞 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
拉米亞 (希腊语:Λάμια) [1],是古 希臘神話 中一頭半人半 蛇 的女性 怪物,亦是在西方以獵殺小孩聞名的蛇妖。 在古希臘、 羅馬 的神話中,有很多像拉米亞般有著殺害孩童舉動的女妖, …
拉弥亚是希腊神话中海神波塞冬与拉比(Lybie,利比亚国的人格化象征)所生的女儿,亦是利比亚国的皇后,有着出众的美貌。 后来主神宙斯发现了拉弥亚的美色,主动与其结交,于是拉弥 …
Lamia – Mythopedia
2023年3月23日 · Lamia was a female spirit, known for carrying off young children and devouring them. In this, she was reminiscent of other malevolent spirits from Greek mythology, including …
Lamia - World History Encyclopedia
2022年9月15日 · Lamia is a female or a hermaphroditic demon found in Greek mythology who devoured children and seduced men. She appears in literature as early as the 6th century …
Lamia: Man-Eating Shapeshifter of Greek Mythology
2022年10月19日 · Lamia was a shapeshifting monster that devoured children in Greek mythology. Described as a half-woman, half-monster, Lamia roamed the countryside in search of her next …
LAMIA - Demon & Sea-Monster of Greek Mythology
In Greek mythology Lamia was a child-devouring sea-monster or night-haunting daemon. She was a daughter of Poseidon and mother of the monsters Scylla and Acheilus (the Shark). …
Lamia (city) - Wikipedia
Lamia (Greek: Λαμία, Lamía, pronounced) is a city in central Greece. The city dates back to antiquity, and is today the capital of the regional unit of Phthiotis and of the Central Greece …
艺术品展示 《拉弥亚》(Lamia)高清画作
Lamia (a second version painted in 1905 is privately owned in London) was inspired by Keats' celebrated poem of 1820, about a bridegroom who discovers on his wedding night that his …
Lamia | Monster, Witch & Demon | Britannica
Lamia, in Classical mythology, a female daemon who devoured children. The ancient commentaries on Aristophanes’ Peace say she was a queen of Libya who was beloved by …