Lance | Voltron: Legendary Defender Wikia | Fandom
Lance is a former pilot cadet in the Galaxy Garrison, beginning as a cargo cadet before being promoted to fighter class after Keith was expelled. He functioned as a Paladin of Voltron, piloting both the Blue Lion and the Red Lion at different times.
Lance (Legendary Defender) | Voltron Wiki | Fandom
Lance is the Paladin of the Red Lion of Voltron and the former the Paladin of the Blue Lion. He is a self-described ladies' man and the self-named sharpshooter of the team. Lance's personality is very complex, as he has shown several different, often conflicting sides throughout the series.
Lance/History | Voltron: Legendary Defender Wikia | Fandom
Lance was a classmate of Keith, who was considered the best pilot of their generation. Lance claims there was a rivalry between them, but there was certainly a difference in skill as Keith was designated fighter class while Lance was designated as a cargo pilot.
Lance (Voltron: Legendary Defender) | Heroes Wiki | Fandom
Lance is one of the three deuteragonists (alongside Pidge and Hunk) of the Voltron: Legendary Defender series. He functions as a Paladin of Voltron, piloting both the Blue Lion and the Red Lion. He is currently a farmer.
Lance’s Family in Voltron Legendary Defender
2018年12月30日 · The Voltron Legendary Defender episode “Launch Date” introduces Allura and the viewer to Lance’s family. Here they are! Lance – Alias “Lancey Lance,” alias “Loverboy Lance” — Paladin of Blue Lion and later Red Lion. Last name unrevealed. Mom – Mother of Lance, Veronica, Luis, and Marco. First name unrevealed.
【VLD】【Lance个人】I AM THE MAN - 哔哩哔哩
Lance (Legendary Defender) | Character Profile Wikia | Fandom
Lance is one of the main protagonists of Voltron: Legendary Defender, a reboot of the Voltron anime series. Lance was once a student at a school known as the Galaxy Garrison, which trained people to become space pilots to explore the cosmos.
Lance Mcclain (Legendary Defender) | VS Battles Wiki | Fandom
Lance is a main character in the 2016 series "Voltron: Legendary Defender". "Top of his class" in cargo ship piloting, Lance was a student at Galaxy Garrison along with Hunk and Pidge. After a faithful night, he, Pidge and Hunk saw a spaceship crash near the school and tracked it down.
10 Questions About Lance McClain, Answered - CBR
2020年3月17日 · In 2016, Netflix reimagined the classic mecha anime Voltron with Voltron: Legendary Defender. Over the course of eight seasons and 76 episodes, the anime followed a diverse group of characters as they sought to save the universe from the Galra Empire - or at least, the members of it that sought to control everything around them.
5 Moments in ‘Voltron’ That All But Confirm Klance | Fandom
2018年12月18日 · In “ Tears of the Balmera ” in Season 1, Team Voltron outmaneuvers Sendak to regain control of the Castle of Lions. In the aftermath, Keith tends to Lance, who’d been unconscious for most of the battle after being knocked out in a bomb explosion. Keith holds Lance and asks if he’s okay. Lance responds, “We did it. We are a good team.”