Rome2Rio: discover how to get anywhere
Rome2Rio searches any city, town, landmark, attraction or address across the globe with thousands of multi-modal routes to easily get you from A to B. Find the best way to get from A to B, anywhere in the world, on your mobile or tablet.
Latitude and longitude of Rio de Janeiro - Latlong.info
Exact geographical coordinates, latitude and longitude -22.90684670, -43.17289650. Mapped location of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (N -22° 54' 24.648", E -43° 10' 22.427"). Rio de Janeiro is located in the time zone GMT-03. Rio de Janeiro has 94 cities.
Latitude and Longitude Finder on Map Get Coordinates
Latlong.net is an online geographic tool that can be used to lookup latitude and longitude of a place, and get its coordinates on map. You can search for a place using a city's or town's name, as well as the name of special places, and the correct lat long coordinates will be shown at the bottom of the latitude longitude finder form.
Where is Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on Map Lat Long Coordinates
Latitude and longitude coordinates are: -22.908333, -43.196388. Rio de Janeiro is a large coastal city and one of the most popular tourist destinations, as well as the capital of Rio de Janeiro State, located on the Atlantic Ocean in southeastern Brazil. It is the second-largest settlement of the country after Sao Paulo.
Rio de Janeiro Map - Southeast, Brazil - Mapcarta
Rio de Janeiro is the second largest city in Brazil, on the South Atlantic coast. Rio is famous for its breathtaking landscape, its laid-back beach culture and its annual carnival. European peace and stability depend on a secure Ukraine. Support efforts to guarantee lasting security. Photo: Bellem, CC BY 3.0. Estação Cascadura is a railway station.
自助旅遊時跨城跨國交通規劃的好幫手 Rome2Rio | Google Map 上 …
2023年11月27日 · Rome2Rio 是來自澳大利亞的服務,著重於更加詳細的 交通規劃資訊,提供包含公車、遊覽車 、 渡輪 、 飛機 等交通資訊,補足了以城市內交通為主的 Google Map 的不足,特別是在 基礎建設相對落後 、 資訊較不發達 的國家,如不熟悉 當地使用的語言,很常不知道要怎麼搜尋相關資訊。 以文章一開頭的例子來說,瓜地馬拉國內 Flores 到 Antigua Guademala 的交通方式就無法透過 Google Map 搜尋得來,而在 Rome2Rio 不僅可以得到 不只一種交通方式 的搜 …
Geographic coordinates of Rio de Janeiro. Latitude, longitude, …
Latitude varies from −90° to 90°. The latitude of the Equator is 0°; the latitude of the South Pole is −90°; the latitude of the North Pole is 90°. Positive latitude values correspond to the geographic locations north of the Equator (abbrev.
Rome2Rio - Wikipedia
Rome2Rio is an Australian online multimodal transport journey planner offering travel services globally. [1] . The company is based in Melbourne, Australia, and is owned by the German online travel comparison and booking website Omio.
Rome2rio - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Rome2Rio 是一個旅遊交通路線方案的 搜索引擎,整合了 航空 、 火車 、 公車 及 渡輪 的交通資訊 ,使用者透過輸入起迄兩點搜尋其資料庫,進而比較每個建議路線的成本。 [1] Rome2Rio以 地圖 的界面展示建議路線。 其總部設在 澳大利亞 墨爾本,在2011年4月上線。 Rome2Rio由兩位前 微軟 軟件工程師 伯恩哈德·特斯徹倫 (Bernhard Tschirren)和 麥可·卡梅倫 (Michael Cameron)所創辦。 2011年2月Rome2Rio榮獲墨爾本 Azure Bizspark Camp。 [2] …
Rome2Rio: descubra como chegar a qualquer lugar
Encontre a melhor forma de ir de A para B, ou para qualquer lugar do mundo pelo seu telefone ou tablet. Compare suas opções: avião, trem, ônibus, carro, barco, bicileta e a pé , tudo que você precisa em uma só busca.