CD6, a Rheostat-Type Signalosome That Tunes T Cell Activation
Unlike PAG or LAT, CD6 contains structured ectodomains that are suitable to establish interactions with extracellular ligands. CD6 binds to CD166, widely expressed in many cell …
Quantitative proteomics analysis of signalosome dynamics in …
2014年3月2日 · Malissen and colleagues use quantitative proteomics to identify a Lat-independent TCR–CD6–SLP-76–Zap70 signalosome after TCR stimulation.
The T cell CD6 receptor operates a multitask signalosome with …
To determine the respective contribution of the LAT transmembrane adaptor and CD5 and CD6 transmembrane receptors to early TCR signal propagation, diversification, and termination, we …
The CD6 interactome orchestrates ligand-independent T cell …
2024年5月24日 · A principal component transcriptomic analysis of resting and activated naïve CD4 + T cells from mice deficient in CD5 (inhibitory scaffold), LAT (co-stimulatory scaffold), …
Here we analyze the signaling function of CD6, the common and also the different properties it exhibits comparing with CD5, and interpret the functional effects displayed by CD6 in recent …
CD6 and Linker of Activated T Cells are Potential Interaction …
2016年11月29日 · A recent report suggested that CD6 function as a LAT-independent signalling hub, recruiting SLP-76 and Vav1 following TCR-mediated activation, irrespective of LAT 43. …
CD6-mediated inhibition of T cell activation via modulation of Ras
2022年11月21日 · We show that deletion of the cytosolic tail of CD6 enhances T-cell responses, indicating that CD6 restrains T-cell activation. One component of the CD6-associated …
The T cell CD6 receptor operates a multitask signalosome with
2021年2月1日 · To determine the respective contribution of the LAT transmembrane adaptor and CD5 and CD6 transmembrane receptors to early TCR signal propagation, diversification, and …
T Cell Costimulation by CD6 Is Dependent on Bivalent Binding of a …
2017年6月6日 · The transmembrane proteins CD6 and LAT do not contain enzymatic activity, nor do the adaptors SLP-76 and GADS. LAT has a role in the direct recruitment of enzymes to …
Quantitative proteomic analysis of signalosome dynamics in …
To determine whether CD6 is essential for the formation of TCR-induced T cell-APC conjugates in the absence of Lat, wild-type CD4 + T cells and CD4 + T cells made defective in Lat were …