Householder (Buddhism) - Wikipedia
Upāsakas and upāsikās, also called śrāvakas and śrāvikās - are householders and other laypersons who take refuge in the Three Jewels (the Buddha, the teachings and the community) and practice the Five Precepts. In southeast Asian communities, lay disciples also give alms to monks on their daily rounds and observe weekly uposatha days.
Lay Practitioners in Buddhism - 財團法人釋迦牟尼佛救世基金會
By the Ming Dynasty, lay practitioners made rapid progress in teaching and studying Buddhism. They compiled an incredibly large numbers of annotated Buddhist scriptures and volumes of recorded Chan sayings.
The Buddhist Layman - Access to Insight
The lay person who practices morality (sila) by reason of his virtue, gives peace of mind to those around him. He controls his deeds and words by following the third, fourth, and fifth steps of the noble Eightfold Path, namely Right Speech, Right Action and Right Livelihood or by observing the Five Precepts ( Pañca Sila ).
What Is a Lay Buddhist: Exploring the Essence of Lay Buddhism
2024年2月1日 · While most people are familiar with monks and nuns who dedicate their lives to spiritual practice, lay Buddhists lead ordinary lives and integrate Buddhist principles into their everyday activities. In this article, we will delve into the concept of Lay Buddhism, its origins, key principles, and the role of a lay Buddhist in the Buddhist community.
The Bhikkhus' Rules: A Guide for Laypeople - Access to Insight
Lay people were disgusted with this, saying, "Just as we lay people accept money, so too do these Buddhist monks!." This Rule has been variously translated: "Should any bhikkhu take gold and silver, or have it taken, or consent to its being deposited (near him), it is to be forfeited and confessed."(Nis. Paac. 18; BMC p.214)
The Buddhist laymen's practice - dhammadana.org
Who is a lay person? Finally, among the people who adhere to the dhamma, all those who are not bhikkhus, or sāmaṇeras, or nuns are laity. We can divide lay people into three categories: There are some laity who, although approving Buddha's word, only dedicate their life a little, or not at all, to the practice of the dhamma. They like to ...
Who are Monastics (Monks)? Who are Lay People?
By having regular contact with the monks and nuns, the lay people get to learn the teachings and find answers to their questions about the practice. The Buddha gave a very beautiful simile to describe this relationship: Just as a bee goes from flower to flower collecting nectar without damaging them, in the same way monastics collect small ...
Lay people: Significance and symbolism - Wisdom Library
2025年2月14日 · Lay people in Buddhism are non-monastic individuals who engage in worldly life while practicing Buddha’s teachings. They support the monastic community, seek spiritual wisdom, and contribute to the sustenance of the Sangha, playing a vital role in Buddhism.
The Buddha’s Teachings to Lay People | Buddhist Studies Review
2011年7月8日 · In this work, all the discourses addressed to lay people in the four main nikayas of the Pali Canon, and most of those in the fifth (Khuddaka), have been surveyed, categorised, and analysed.
Lay Buddhist Practice: The Shrine Room, Uposatha Day, Rains …
We have seen how lay people in Buddhist countries periodically withdraw for twenty-four hours to a monastery for the practice for some special Dhamma. But what is to be done where there is no monastery, no bhikkhus, and no possibility of taking time off from work?