L9 bar mine - Wikipedia
The L9 bar mine is a large rectangular British anti-tank landmine. The bar mine's principal advantage is its long length, and therefore its trigger length. A typical anti-tank landmine is …
磅和吨换算 - 磅(lb)换算吨(t) - 重量换算 - UnitConverter.cc
Equivalent Energy - Boiler and Pressure Vessel engineering - Eng …
2002年7月9日 · For your reference, 1 lb TNT is roughly equivalent to 2,000 BTU's (1.56*10E6 ft*lbf) of energy.
Pressure Conversion Calculator
2023年8月21日 · Convert among pressure units. Convert to pascals, bars, and inches of mercury. Learn how to convert among pressure units.
TNT Equivalent Calculator
Formula for TNT Equivalent (Imperial System): Equivalent to a celebratory firecracker. Calculate the explosive force of demolition charges. Discover the TNT equivalence of massive …
the effective TNT hemispherical weight of the material and what is its TNT equivalent weight? • 1/3Scaled range = 90/500 = 11.34 ft/lb1/3 • 1/3Scaled time of arrival = 40.0/5001/3 = 5.04 …
The TNT Bar is a delicious and nutritious energy bar that puts the health benefits of your TNT drink mix into a convenient, easy-to-eat, carry-anywhere food.
Calculating TNT Equivalency for Incident Impulse
2018年11月26日 · When you are conducting tests on explosives, a common requirement is to determine TNT equivalency. You can determine equivalency using all of the typical blast …
TNT Equivalence Calculator - blastingapps.com
TNT Equivalence is based on the below formula. ∴ 1 MJ/kg is equal to 0.238663 KCal/g Generic ANFO at 3.7MJ/kg is equal to 0.883055 kCal/g ISEE 17th Edition confirms 1kg of ANFO at …
TNT Estimator – Accurate Shipping Cost Calculation
With the TNT estimator, you can analyze rock formations, consider environmental constraints, and calculate the precise amount needed for each blast, leading to more productive and cost …