What Do Lbf, Lb, and Lbm Really Mean in American Units?
Dec 17, 2014 · 1 lb m is the unit of mass typically used in american system. 1 lb f is the unit of force employed in american system. 1 lb f is equal to the force exerted by gravity on 1 lb m at the Earth's surface. There is an equation for getting the net force F (lb f) on an object of mass m (lb m) when it experiences an acceleration a (ft/s 2). This is the ...
What is difference between in-lb and inch-lbf? - Physics Forums
Apr 25, 2011 · Hi friends, I have so much confusion between torque unit Inch -lb and inch -lbf . I think inch-lb = inch-lbf i know that 1 lbf = 32.2 lb.ft / sec^2 I need 2500000 inch-lbf torque required so i consider lb-inch . Thanks, Ram18
Pounds is a unit of mass or weight - Physics Forums
Sep 28, 2008 · In gravitational terms, the slug is the FPS unit of mass, the lb f[/sub} is the FPS unit of force, the kg f is the MKS unit of force, and the kg-sec²/m is the MKS unit of mass. Commonly in the US, you will compare lb to kg (1 kg = 2.2lb for instance) and the kg is …
Why can lb's be considered a mass and a force? - Physics Forums
Nov 12, 2011 · "The pound or pound-mass (abbreviations: lb, lbm, lbm, ℔[1] ) is a unit of mass used in the imperial, United States customary and other systems of measurement. On the other page it says: "The Pound force (symbol: lb, lbf, lbf) is a unit of force in some systems of measurement; including, English Engineering units and British Gravitational ...
Which one is correct, in-lbf. or in-lbs., or in-lb. - Mechanical ...
Oct 18, 2004 · MPa = Newton per mm square, it is the unit for stress or pressure. kgf was used to make clear that we were talking about force (=9.81 N) not that long ago - say 20 years or so. It was mostly this confusion what finally initiated establishing the Newton as a unit of force. The lbf and lbm should be used to show what are we talking about.
Is 'lb per ft' a Unit of Force or Work? Confirm & Explain Here
Feb 21, 2011 · The unit lb per ft is for a distributed load. It's a force per unit length, not simply a force. Work is a force multiplied by a displacement, so its units are ft-lb, not lb/ft.
Unit conversion:lbm/lbf*h to (N/s)/N - Physics Forums
Oct 14, 2017 · Homework Statement Given Thrust-specific fuel consumption cT=0.5279lb/lbf*h... as other units in the question are in SI unit, I have to convert it to (N/s)/N first... Homework Equations 1 lbf = 4.448 N 1 lbm = 0.4536 kg Thrust-specific fuel consumption = weight of fuel burned per unit time...
Unit weight of typical soils - Structural engineering general ...
Aug 9, 2007 · Strictly speaking, unit weight has units of force/(length^3). Therefore, lb/ft^3 or, kN/m^3. Unit mass would be kg/m^3 or slugs/ft^3. Calculation of static forces and stresses is often easier with unit weight, since you don't need to multiply by 32.2 or 9.81. Mention slugs to anyone, even U.S. engineers, and you are bound to get a bunch of ...
Adding new roof top units to existing roof - Eng-Tips
Feb 17, 2007 · I agree with BA and Issac. This is highly dependent on the size/location of the units and the roof construction. Adding a 5000 lb unit on the center on a bar joist roof is probably not a good idea and would most likely require structural modifications, but a 650 lb unit on a steel girder wouldn't require much of an analysis.
What is the meaning of lbm/min/KW - Eng-Tips
Feb 21, 2002 · 1. Will provide XX Lb/min of air for each kw of power it is supplied. 2. Will provide XX lb/min of air for each kw of power or heat in the device into which the air is being put, presumably for cooling. Alternatively why do need more air if cooling air is already being supplied? More detail and information is required to resolve this issue ...