LBN 406 - AstroBin
LBN 406 is a so called Bright Nebula in constellation Draco. It is called Bright Nebula since it is illuminated by the integrated light of surrounding stars, in fact it is quite faint. Those objects t...
LBN 406 / MBM 43 - Nebula - astroscience
LBN 406 is a faint molecular dust cloud located in Draco constelation. It is a small part of a much larger dust complex designated as MBM 43.
LBN 406 - bf-astro.com
Beverly Lynds Bright Nebula (LBN) 406 is a very faint Molecular Cloud in the constellation Draco. On her brightness scale of 1 to 6, Lynds classified this nebula as a barely visible, 1. The stellar …
The Laughing Skull Nebula (LBN 406) - Astronomy
2014年2月16日 · Beverly Lynds Bright Nebula (LBN) 406 is a very faint Molecular Cloud in the constellation Draco. On her brightness scale of 1 to 6, Lynds classified this nebula as a barely …
LBN 406 - AstroBin
2020年7月31日 · Lynd's Bright Nebula 406 is a faint molecular dust cloud in Draco and was certainly a challenge to process and was a source of fun to both Steve and I ;-) It does have a …
LBN406 is a faint one - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy …
2016年6月13日 · LBN406 is a very faint molecular cloud in Draco. I believe it is one of the fainter objects in the LBN catalogue. Last week I was able to spend two nights at a dark(er) sky site …
LBN 406 in Draco (Steve Milne) - AstroBin
Lynds Bright Nebula 406 is a molecular cloud in the constellation of Draco. For reasons unknown to me, the nebula is sometimes referred to as the Laughing Skull Nebula. Just below the …
LBN 406, The Laughing Skull Nebula - Cloudy Nights
2020年6月29日 · LBN 406, also known as The Laughing Skull Nebula, is about 2,600 light-years away. Together with some other faint nebulae, they constitute a large interstellar molecular …
The Laughing Skull Nebula | Bob Franke - Sky & Telescope
Beverly Lynds Bright Nebula (LBN) 406 is a very faint Molecular Cloud in the constellation Draco. On her brightness scale of 1 to 6, Lynds classified this nebula as a barely visible, 1. The stellar …
LBN 406, 413, 415 in Draco - Capella Observatory
Below a contrast enhanced inverted L-only version of the same region (a 2x1 mosaic, 19x900 sec. for the left, 22x900 sec. for the right half) as the image above is shown. The galaxy in the …
LBN 406 - The Laughing Skull nebula - Caprile Observatory
2022年5月13日 · LBN 406, also known as the Laughing Skull Nebula is a vast interstellar molecular cloud region in the constellation Draco. One of the few broadband targets of the …
LBN 406 (Carlo Rocchi) - AstroBin
LBN 406 Celestial hemisphere: Northern · Constellation: Draco (Dra) View. Inverted monochrome Annotated Large size Full size User. View profile Send private message Share; Navigation …
LBN 406 in Draco - jthommes.com
LBN 406 is a broad, very faint region of dust reflecting nearby star shine - also referred to as a Molecular Cloud. It is the dominant central object in this image and is sometimes given the …
Cosmic Horror, LBN406 - AstroBin
Cosmic Horror: Capturing LBN 406 I am excited to share with the AstroBin community my latest astrophotographic achievement: capturing the enigmatic LBN 406. This stunning object, …
LBN 406 - Experienced Deep Sky Imaging - Cloudy Nights
2020年8月24日 · Nebula looks three Dimensional! Posted 25 August 2020 - 03:56 PM. That is spectacular, great star colors. The bright nebula like Mike said, seems to float in front. …
LBN 406 ⋆ Astro Fotografie Nimmervoll
Der Nebel LBN 406, auch bekannt als „The Laughing Skull Nebula“ (der Lachende Schädel-Nebel), ist eine sehr schwache Molekülwolke im Sternbild Drache (Draco). Er teilt nahezu die …
LBN 406 - The Laughing Skull - Cloudy Nights
2014年4月26日 · Here is LBN 406 - sometimes called the Laughing Skull Nebula. The processing is pushed a bit to show the nebula. The field has some interesting galaxies. Of course, the …
LBN 406 - Distant Lights
Lynds Bright Nebula (LBN) 406 is a very faint Molecular Cloud in the constellation Draco. Stellar winds have created some interesting shapes. In the field are also several distant galaxies …
LBN 406 - Sky & Telescope
LBN 406 is a very faint Molecular Cloud in the constellation Draco. Website: http://www.distant-lights.at
LBN 406, LBN 413 & LBN415 (PVO) - AstroBin
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